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Guides for other games?

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    Guides for other games?

    Have you considered doing other games like DDO, LOTRO or EQ2 or EQ1?

    Originally posted by ctkdjane1 View Post
    Have you considered doing other games like DDO, LOTRO or EQ2 or EQ1?
    We usually monitor all new mmos to see if they take off like World of Warcraft and have considered writing guides for a few but there are a few factors that have kept us from doing that:

    *Addon support is not as extensive or is non-existent.

    * It takes a long time to learn a game inside and out and write a full guide. For that to be worth our efforts, the game must have a fan base similar in size to World of Warcraft, otherwise we would be wasting time we could use to make more World of Warcraft related products. So far no other game has a fan base like WoW.

    * A lot of other mmos don't really have a solo leveling element to them. They almost all require grouping to get through the game.

    * A lot of other mmos are already so linear and guide players in a way that a guide wouldn't even be warranted.
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      Ah I was just wondering. I was thinking while using your guide in WoW. How nice it would of been for a guide like this in Everquest while I used to play the game there etc. Not so much for the questing but where to go next to kill, and which mobs to kill etc or quest as well. But I do see your point WoW is more solo base then the other games, most of the others the best way to solo is certain classes or the only way to level is to group up etc.

