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dungeons in leveling path after Cataclysm

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    dungeons in leveling path after Cataclysm

    I like very much do dungeons while I am leveling so I have some question and a suggestion about dungeons in Cataclysm leveling path.

    1-60: dungeons quest will be at the dg entrance. Will them added in the main leveling guide (may be a few dungeons only, e.g Blackfathom Deeps while we are leveling in Ashenvale)? This cuold be a good idea for fun and boost.

    60-70 and 70-80: There will be any change in quest chains? If the quests will be put at the entrance it colud be good add some dungeons in the leveling guide.

    80-85: do you have any new about what dungeon and where the quest will be put?

    Kind regards

    I like to do the same, however I'm happy with the way it's setup. The quest chains normally leave an optional ! available that you can take if you want.

    I put it in my quest log and just ignore it until the dungeon queue puts me in.

    Running Carbonite add-on along with Zygor's makes it super easy


      I agree with the above. If you pick up the quests inside the dungeons, just keep them until the queue fills and you've got a PUG ready to go.

      While the 1-70 instances are a primary way the better gear while you're levelling up, the Zygor Guides do really will bringing you upwards in levels in such a way that you're not dependant on that higher level gear. I find that by the time I hit a certain zone or quest, I'm at that "perfect balance" of being just higher than the mobs to deal with them with ease, yet not so high above the quest that I don't get the max XP offered.

      On getting the better gear, I'm finding that by not doing some of the dungeons below a certain point, I'm still getting okay stuff (yeah, mostly green, but decent). Plus I'm levelling quickly enough that I'm outpacing the usefulness.

      I also look at how many times would I need to run a particular instance to get the desired blue or purple item to (1) drop off of the boss that has it and (2) win the need roll.

      Unless I really, really desire it, I would rather spend that time running the quest chains outside of the instances and gaining more ground that way.

      Personal thing, YMMV.

      Someone once mentioned that using the Guides is like levelling on Autopilot. That's a good description since you just need to pay atttention to "go here, kill/collect that so many times, move to next step, turn in quest".

      The downside is that we don't pay attention to the written story anymore. An example is the Defias Brotherhood quest chain around Westfall that leads to meeting up with the end boss in Deadmines and taking his head. That's actually a decent storyline. And there are others much like it.

      Unfortunately, we're in such a rush to get to the higher level content we ignore the storylines.

      Kinda sad that. Some Blizz employee put in all that work years ago and now we ignore it.


        There's a story line?
        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


          Queue for random dungeons while leveling. Do quests that are present in the dungeons.
          Rayda - Tankadin

