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Notaro's Intelligent Quests system.

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    Notaro's Intelligent Quests system.

    Ok this may have been suggested or may be implemented and i just don't relies it. But i was thinking about the way i play the game and things i would love to see in a guide.

    Ok, So most WoW guides are about getting to max lvl asap. Now there is nothing wrong with this but i believe every guide assumes that people will invest a lot of time everyday on solely a lvling grind. Now im a casual player, i mean i will play for 30-hour a day after Lacrosse practice before sleep. So ill get to my suggestion.


    Ok we all know that when your not playing you Gain the EXP reward (probably an official name for it idk it.) of 2x experiences. Now if you are logged out enough especially if you log out in inns and city's you really pile up the 2x exp. So how nice would it be if the Guide new what quests where not vital in completing quest later in the Guide and if you where above a alot exp it would auto skip making you do that quest.

    For example: The guide knows you should be around 10000-15000 exp points while starting a quest. However it notices you have hit 15550. It also knows one of the quests you are about to complete is not vital in the order of the guide (it provides great exp for leveling but in no way effects and quests later on in the guide) So it takes that quest and skips it and moves you to a later quest. So now without the exp you will fall back into the normal bracket as you level because you never received that exp.

    Less words Example:

    -You are at 15550 Exp do to an instance and 2x exp boost.
    -Guide says hey he should be at 10000 at this point
    -Guide corrects by canceling 3 quests that have no importance in the rest of the guide. (not a chain quest or a prerequisite)
    -after a few quests you are now back in the Guides acceptable Range. So the guide does not prompt you to cancel or not accept any more quests because it is not needed.

    This would be really useful for casual players who want to use the Zygor guides but also have lower level friends who want to do low level instances or just people who want a certain armor from a low level instance. I know the guide is designed so you don't need these armors but some people (like myself) enjoy doing different instances not just the end game ones.

    So this Notaro Intelligent Quest system (yes im naming it after me for the fun of it) will allow players to be very casual and know that if they get off pace with the guide the guide will correct it self by eliminating non needed quests.

    Thank you for your time reading this, I have to go to practice. My complete apologies if someone else submitted this or if the Zygor guides has this implemented or is implementing it and i wasted there time. Also please post any questions on my idea because it was kinda hard to explain in a short amount of time. Also suggestions to make it better would rock. Remember Zygor is being nice and allowing us to suggest what we want out of the product so lets help him help us.

    Brandon Notaro

    P.S Zygor Team Excellent work on 2.0 love it. I actually quit wow for 2 years and came back just to try it and must admit its an more enjoyable experience because of your new Amped guide system.

    Only problem with this is if you're right where you should be with the guide, but are then unable to do a quest due to difficulty or a missing reagent (like if you have to buy a bronze tube or overcharged capacitor from the AH, but there aren't any available). Then you suddenly have to grind in a 1-80 guide that requires no grinding.

    Its better to be ahead of the guide. Being 1-2 lvls ahead of the guide can make doing some of the quests much easier. Falling behind the guide, however, makes it really tough to get caught up. If you're half a lvl behind the guide you'd have to grind it out, do an instance, or do quests that aren't in the guide.
    Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder

    Current Weight: 222
    Goal Weight: 198
    16 Weeks til WI State Fair Bodybuilding
    22 Weeks til NANBF Badger Classic


      Originally posted by jerothas View Post
      Only problem with this is if you're right where you should be with the guide, but are then unable to do a quest due to difficulty or a missing reagent (like if you have to buy a bronze tube or overcharged capacitor from the AH, but there aren't any available). Then you suddenly have to grind in a 1-80 guide that requires no grinding.

      Its better to be ahead of the guide. Being 1-2 lvls ahead of the guide can make doing some of the quests much easier. Falling behind the guide, however, makes it really tough to get caught up. If you're half a lvl behind the guide you'd have to grind it out, do an instance, or do quests that aren't in the guide.

      Thanks for the comment, i ide rather have criticism than nothing at all haha. Its a good point what your saying and i totally understand. Like i said the id would need work but i mean if there were certain quests that you new didnt need anything for and nothing in the quest will effect you later on in the game. I dont see why they could not be eliminated.

      I also like your point on being ahead of the guide its totally logical. Im just think you can finally get to a point when you are so far ahead of the guide you not leveling at a speed that is suitable. Idk im a very very casual player like i said. It just kinda came to mind so ide figure what the hell mine as well suggest it.


        guide mechanics

        well i usually am more then 2 levels higher then the guild because of the rest and instances, but i don't aggree that the guild should skips quests, but i do wish the guild would tell you if the quest your on is part of a chain or single quest and that way you can deside for yourself if you want to skip that quest and get into the guild where it's closer to your level range and giving more exp so you can level up faster.


          Originally posted by tiney98 View Post
          well i usually am more then 2 levels higher then the guild because of the rest and instances, but i don't agree that the guild should skips quests, but i do wish the guild would tell you if the quest your on is part of a chain or single quest and that way you can decide for yourself if you want to skip that quest and get into the guild where it's closer to your level range and giving more exp so you can level up faster.
          Very much appreciated for the Feedback. I have thought of this idea as well and like i said in the original post its just a frame work of an idea. I think if like you said maybe they color coded "Skip able" quests or put a mark next to it that would be more acceptable to the community than an auto skip feature.

          I recommended the Auto skip rather than color code idea because i was trying to stay with the theme of the Guide. Which seams to be automation. Another way it could be approached is have the guide include the auto Skip feature and have it Ask you if you would like to skip a quest OR have an option to enable or disable the Auto skip, and when it is disabled you get the color coded or marked (however it is symbolized) system where you just look and decided to skip if you want without the guide tracking it or prompting you to skip or not.

          I know i am really getting into this idea it just would be a life savor for me to have this system or one that does the same function implemented with tweaks to make the entire community happy. I am one who likes doing things by the book and when im ahead of the guide i don't like it so i find myself logging out outside of towns and inns, and telling my RL friends (i don't have igf, don't play enough ) That i cant do an instance with them because i am on a strict leveling path.

          Thanks again for your time

