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Old World Zone Quests for Loremaster

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    Old World Zone Quests for Loremaster

    I wonder if Zygor has thought about providing an individual zone quest guide for the zones and other 'event/s' (shown on the Loremaster achievement) that will enable players to obtain this loremaster achievement/s. I am a lvl 80 alliance gnome mage and am using the 1-60 leveling guides already provided by Zygor, I am in the process of doing the loremaster achievement/s (Old Kingdom and Kalimdor), but using this method does not allow completion of the L/master achievements. This occurs because as the guide is worked through and some of the zones for loremaster are completed, it still leave other zones not done. What is needed are specific zone quest guides that provides all the loremaster content, ie. a full quest 'chain' for each zone, not just to level a toon. Thank you.

    .. Philo

    Moved to suggestions forum. And this may be part of the achievement guide.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      thank uvm and yes, i should've put itin the suggestion forum. doh!

