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Ways to search for stuff...

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    Ways to search for stuff...

    I think there should be a place to enter what lvl you are currently on, with a dropdown menu showing your list of area choices to level in for that level... AND a way to search by quest name so that if you had done some quests already but need to find a specific one, you can type it in and start from there. I was trying for a while to find the guy who gives the quest to get the air elemental gases in Nagrand, and I could not find the quest in the list so that I could have it locate him for me.
    As for the entering a character level.... not everyone starts with the guide from level 1... I have 11 level 80 toons and many more at different levels so when I do decide to go back and level them, it would be nice to just be able to tell the guide what level I am and select a zone for questing that fits it.