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"Auto Throttle" for the SIS

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    "Auto Throttle" for the SIS

    I know the SIS has a primary function to help fit the guide to where the new customer is in their levelling, and then go from there.

    And it's supposed to help the guide to keep up with the player if they go "off guide" and level faster than the guide.

    But has it ever been considered to add an "auto throttle" sort of feature where the guide could determine that, say 50-65% of the way through a level, more quests would be needed to level before the DING! step?

    I see this as creating some smarts into the code so that if the character is behind the curve, a small number of quests that you guys have tagged as "low value" or "not worth the time for the reward given" would be suggested. And if not quests, something else that would/could provide the required XP to bring the toon ahead of the levelling curve.

    SIS does a great job eliminating steps that are not needed because of being ahead of the curve. What I'm proposing (for consideration and discussion) is something "in-guide" that would assist a player when they are behind the curve. Something that would compare the current state of the player to a benchmark, then based upon the relationship between the state and benchmark, make the appropriate suggestion for the action that would quickly bring them on/ahead of the curve.


    I can see where you're going with this and basically, it would require a few things:

    1) Rather than just check your level when you 'should be XX level' prior to proceeding, it would have to check at least once more (approx mid level by the reasoning above) - or more

    2) the guide would have to weight the quests even more than it does now because it would have to figure out approx where your toon is and adjust the quests remaining accordingly... as you said above, skipping some or going through the full list... but it would have to make those adjustments based on what percentage you are, and then figuring the experience value of those that remain, remove some (or some chains) or not...

    3) NONE of this even considers reputation... so if you're in Outlands or Northrend... well... forget everything above cause as I've discovered before... if you allow even the SIS to work like it did before, it will skip some quests that will kill some quest chains... so not a good idea to let it skip then.

    Just my thoughts on it...
    * Signature to be Updated at a later time *


      Originally posted by voltec View Post
      I can see where you're going with this and basically, it would require a few things:

      1) Rather than just check your level when you 'should be XX level' prior to proceeding, it would have to check at least once more (approx mid level by the reasoning above) - or more
      Yup. They somehow are able to pull the XP you have to compare to the required amount already, so part of this "check" is done.

      2) the guide would have to weight the quests even more than it does now because it would have to figure out approx where your toon is and adjust the quests remaining accordingly... as you said above, skipping some or going through the full list... but it would have to make those adjustments based on what percentage you are, and then figuring the experience value of those that remain, remove some (or some chains) or not...
      I would say you've got the concept pretty well. If the SIS could determine that the toon is behind the curve, then it would add an appropriate action to be done.

      3) NONE of this even considers reputation... so if you're in Outlands or Northrend... well... forget everything above cause as I've discovered before... if you allow even the SIS to work like it did before, it will skip some quests that will kill some quest chains... so not a good idea to let it skip then.

      Just my thoughts on it...
      You lost me on rep. Unless you are meaning that without the right amount of rep for a faction, you are unable to open up a quest hub or chain (such as the Sporeggar).

      But you got the idea.


        Yes voltec is right about the rep requirement problem. Even with the sis working it still try's to skip quests that you need to do for rep requirement. Zygor is seeing how to fix it but for now the only way really to do outlands without the sis messing it up is to turn it off.
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