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PvP Guide

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    PvP Guide

    I would love to see a PvP guide made!

    Since cata has come out my focus has gone to PvPing over PvE. It has been very difficult for me to find a good PvP guide out there that has the quality that zygor guides puts out.

    I would like a PvP guide that illustrates in depth review over each race/class to pick and the min/max for it regarding professions and race. What glyphs to pick, what comp you should use in Rated BG's and 2's, 3's and 5's for each class.

    Lots of work but I think it would be amazing and really stand the zygor family and customers out from the rest.

    A lot to ask, i am sure you gents and ladies could make it happen though! Keep up the great work!

    Honestly man, all classes work in their own special way. Just look at the WoW forums. There's TONS of different arena comps and possibilities, and gearing is as simple as earning honor and buying resilience gear.


      A Zygor guide for PvP would not be vary practical in my opinion. This sounds like the type of thing you could find on a PvP focused site like ArenaJunkies or a more generalized site such a PlusHeal or Tankspot. Min/Maxing, group comps, and racial preferences would not make much of guide from a content standpoint. It would almost be like charging for the Netherwing guide, except once a patch hits and a class takes a shot from the infamous nerfbat and the guide becomes pretty much useless.

      Zygor makes a great leveling guide and a great dailies guide. I would prefer them stick to making these guides the best they can, rather than spreading themselves so thin to where the main thing that brought us here becomes a poorer product as a result.
      My tanks:
      Losfer 110 Tauren Protection Paladin Area 52
      Prassan 110 Tauren Guardian Druid Area 52
      Theomach 102Tauren Protection Warrior Hyjal
      Paschendale 100 Night Elf Brewmaster Monk Sargeras
      Shangol 100 Troll Blood Death Knight Area 52
      Nassic 100 Blood Elf Vengeance Demon Hunter

      My DPS:
      Kastenessen 100 Human Fire Mage Sargeras
      Thoraynayla 110 Orc Marksmanship Hunter Arear 52
      Findail 101 Forsaken Destruction Warlock Area 52


        Cabby had got me thinking on the PvP aspect of the game with his wanting me to post about the Shaman, Rogue, and Pally.
        Fact is, there is far too much to go over, and there are a few decent PvP sites out there that take you through the details of PvP on each class.
        I know I have a lot of posts in here that I went typing crazy on, but that was minor compared to a PvP type 'guide.
        My advise is to take your favorite class and get that toon into some BG's. Either that or join a PvP guild. Either way you go about it, the only way to really learn how to PvP is after you rez for the 500th time, then you might be getting the hang of it.
        Just go in there and have fun, and pay no attention to the 'damn you suck' posts.
        I personally love PvP as a break from the norm. AND it is a HUGE help in learning the details about your class. You learn a bit about your class in questing, a bit more in raiding.... but you will learn everything about your toon if you stick with PvP. You got abilities you only thought were useless.
        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

