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Dotted line

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    Dotted line

    I've noticed many times that although the waypoint arrow shows you where to go in a direct line, maybe something that showed the exact route.

    That way you won't trying to climb over mountains looking for caves etc when theres a proper route in

    This is actually done quite often with quite a few quests where the path is way off to one side of the actual objective.

    However, there are a couple of quests that you have seen where this is not done... no idea which ones they are though.
    I am CDO. This is a lot like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.


      Team iDemise did this in beta for their current addon, but the ant trail chewed up a lot of memory and occasionally caused the game to lag too much. While that problem got resolved, it is generally seen as unnecessary.

      The good thing is that 99% of the time you shouldn't end up trying to run over mountains. The sentence or two if information usually tells you "run down the hill to this point", or "follow the stairs to the top of the tower" or "run to the bottom and enter the western entrance".

      You could always post the guide/step where a problem may occur and they could add in one or two waypoints saying "the path up to xxxx starts here" and then "the path up to xxxx continues here", then "kill xxxx here".
      Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder

      Current Weight: 222
      Goal Weight: 198
      16 Weeks til WI State Fair Bodybuilding
      22 Weeks til NANBF Badger Classic

