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Less grinding.... More questing.

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    Less grinding.... More questing.

    I enjoy using Zygor's guide immensely. However, that being said, I really hate when I get to a certain point in the guide, and I have to GRIND out the rest of the level. Mostly noticed this in the Northrend section. I usually finish the guides for the level , and almost always have at least 20% of the level to go. This is on Alliance side by the way, don't know about Horde side yet. I don't know if having flying mounts has been accounted for or not, maybe that's part of the reason.

    what is your allowed levels set to?
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      It is recommended to set the allow levels ahead slider higher than 0, especially in Northrend. With a setting of 2-3 you will be fine.
      In the Cataclysm zones later on it will be nearly impossible to skip any quests without running into trouble later so there a setting higher than 0 is a must have.


        Ok, that makes sense. And I didn't even think about that. Thanks for the help! Cheers!

