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Level up - new location - missing quests.

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    Level up - new location - missing quests.

    What I'd love to see, is the suggestion feature improved even more.
    Let me explain.
    I just levelled, and it suggest to go to EP.
    1st quest there is:
    • Turn in 'Into the Woods'
    • Accept 'Gidwin Goldbraids'
    • Accept 'Tarenar Sunstrike'

    When changing guide I don't have the quest 'Into the Woods' and it's required to take the 2 other quests.
    So it would be nice, if I get guided through all possible quests to return.
    I find myself changing back to the guide i left, to complete the steps, and to be able to get the quests the new place. In this case, EP.

    Any chance that this could be done?

    Thanks for the report, you need either the mentioned quest or Hero's Call: Eastern Plaguelands! which can be obtained in a city.
    So the Eastern Plaguelands guide should direct you to get one of them at the beginning.


      Thanks for your reply.
      Yes, now I get it.
      It was because in Cata guide, it said Accept hero board quest, do the following....
      With Badlands, it asumes I allready took it, and delivered it

      I have to turn in quest from board in Lights Hope Chapel in EP.
      I onlt had FP to Loch Modan, so i had to swim up to EP

      Thanks again for your help

