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Administrator Attention Please

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    Administrator Attention Please

    Several issues have cropped up.

    After noticing that my POI locations for cart were at incorrect positions on all zone maps I did a little research. It seems that cartographer will no longer be updated as stated by its administration team. It has become necessary to integrate with a different mapping addon. I would personally suggest manually adding hotspots to blizzard's in game maps but this would require an extensive amount of coding on your part.

    While it's not really ABSOLUTE NECESSARY, it would probably be a good idea just to keep the look and feel of the map up just for the sake of aesthetic appeal.

    Using carbonite has been suggested but I feel that this is counterproductive because the appeal of the waypoint system as currently designed is to keep the screen uncluttered and still point out where one needs to go. The minimap carbonite places on your screen is in direct opposition to that and the world map it injects prevents the addition of waypoints.

    As an alternative I would suggest a combination of Mapster and TomTom though it would also require a lot of hours to remap the waypoints. Maybe the community itself could help.

    As another product line I would also like to suggest both alliance and horde Zygor versions of 'everyQuest'. The mem load could be kept relatively low if the UI loaded each zone seperately with its own set of waypoints and its own list of quests. Making these guides (1 horde and 1 alliance) would require an extremely long period of time but the guides could be released by zone with the whole team for either faction working one zone at a time together. time would probably go quickly. Alternatively you could hire me to do it

    It would add another product which I'm sure select people would love to buy as achievement points (as far as I know) are intended to be a form of currency in the Cataclysm expansion. With the release date of cataclysm still unannounced but the project confirmed this could become a hot item pretty fast... as it would net a number of achievements and a few titles.

    Thank you, some good points here, will keep this in mind. :-)
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      Awesome post. I actually came in here to suggest something like mentioned at the end of the original post, about the achievement system. I love hunting achievements and one thing I would like to see in the Zygor guide is a bit of help on that part. This is also something I would add as a product to my collection if it was made by Zygor Guides.

      I am not sure if this is a focus area of Zygor Guides? But for example during an instance run it would be awesome if the guide / a popup of something made you aare that by doing something specific... like... "kill this boss in less than 2 minutes will grant you xxxxx achievement". And something similar for general PVE achievements and so on. I am certain this is also a big amount of work to get done, but I hope it will be done.. :-)


        A good addon i've found for completeing acheivements is Overacheiver, Quite simply it adds an extra tab to your acheivement tracker and upon entering a dungeon will suggest the achievements you have still to do and give you the option to track them. Maybe someting similar could be imported into the guide system.

