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Zygor With Boa's

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    Zygor With Boa's

    I'm wondering if there could be any updates. My Zygor Leveling guide, Doesn't seem like it's updating to the Amount of experience I gain while wearing boa's. I was wondering if you guys could take this into consideration, And possibly update it with the equipping of Boa's. I appreciate your time!!!


    The guides do take into account the BOA heirloom items and RAF. How it does this is with the suggestion of moving on to the next guide. In the guide options in the Step completion section the check box for Pop-up guide suggestions should be checked. What this does is keep track of your XP and once you're the right level to go to the next guide it will pop up a box asking you if you want to go to the next section. Just click on yes, go turn in any completed quests fast if you want to, then click the lightning bolt button on the guide viewer window to abandon any quests in your log that you no longer need.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

