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Learning to raid guide?

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    Learning to raid guide?

    How about a guide that teaches us how to raid in specific raids? Specific classes and what they should be doing in terms of how to approach and attack?

    A step by step format to help old and new raiders?

    Not gonna happen. They'd end up having to change too much of the coding in the guide for it to work. Besides, with DBM, Tankspot and Learn2Raid's websites, as well as the info at ElitistJerks, you should be able to figure the stuff out. As to getting in the raiding guilds, I would advise finding a guild that's isn't uber hardcore, run some raids with them to get some experience as well as achievements under your belt and then apply for one of the hardcore guilds. And honestly, if you're wanting to raid with the top guilds of the server, or even just do current content each week, then you should already be looking at these sites and following the directions.


      One thread per topic/question plz. If there is more to add we would appreciate using the original thread you began.
      Thank you.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

