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Extra step needed?

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    Extra step needed?

    From an email:


    Step 108 Level 80 Rundown

    After wiping out the naga population, step 108 says to see the quest giver,
    Toshe Charosrender.

    It might be helpful to put a "Go to cave entrance" step in to make it easier
    to find the cave entrance.

    Just a thought.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

    Toshe is between the two caves at this step.
    Step 107 tells you to kill the fleeing Naga, step 109 to go into the Silvertide cave.

    Here's a thread we had about this:

    If Toshe is not at the location he is supposed to by the guide (53,33) this may be a phasing bug. He is definitely there when you see fleeing Naga around you. I went through the zone with 6 Alliance characters and he was there every time.
    If he is not there due to a phasing bug you can find him in the cave where you were before. So maybe adding this as additional information in the step can be helpful. Maybe something like "if you don't find him here this is Blizzard's fault. Go back into the cave at [insert coordinate] and to [55,12] then".

