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Horde Zangarmarsh guide

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    Horde Zangarmarsh guide

    I think a re-ordering of the guide is ... ahem, in order. Step 45 should be moved to AFTER step 46, that way you can get the report from Jyoba's Report from the giants you will be killing for the tendrils and Withered Basidium.

    In one aspect, it sort of makes sense to have it the way it is (at least for the time being). The withered mobs give you +Sporeggar faction. The later quest for the sporeling sacs is currently still bugged and not repeateable as it should be. By doing them in two separate goes you get X*15 faction for the kills to get the tendrils and basidium + Y*15 faction when you go back to get the report, which is theoretically more than if you just got X*15 faction for killing for all three drops at once and puts you that much closer to Friendly with Sporeggar which is required for later sections and means less rep grind once you get to the bugged quest (I've gotten really unlucky and gotten enough rep trying to get the drops to be Friendly at that point).

