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Discounts for current owners for new Expansions

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    Discounts for current owners for new Expansions

    I would like to see a discount option available for current users of the guides when expansions get released. I currently own the Dailies and Leveling guides and was thinking of getting everything else but I don't want to have to shell out full cost for all the guides again when Mists of Panderia comes out.

    There are always special upgrade prices when a new expansion comes out. I think it was around 10$ for the Alliance and Horde bundles.
    For example the dailies and events guide costed 27€ + tax and the Cataclysm upgrade costed 18.50€ + tax.

    However with the amount of guide packages I'm pretty sure we'll see the comeback of the subscription model with MoP. Otherwise a full upgrade of all guides would cost more than 100$ which is a big number...

