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Suggestion for the Website

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    Suggestion for the Website

    I think it would be a good idea to put together a forum for all of the User Created Guides that can be downloaded.

    Of course we would not be allowed to upload anything that was in direct competition. Having Zygor control the area would prevent that.

    Right now you have to search through the various threads and hope to find the guide.

    You could have a upload area, and an approved area for downloadable files.

    Please consider it Zygor.

    A solution could be a locked section with each guide category, where users gain access only if they already have your Zygor Guide. This way there is no Zygor competition. And users can contribute to collect data and guides that you Zygor can use to compleate Zygor Guides a lot faster and easier. Could be nice. Maby some new ideas can contribute as well.

    We going to buy you guides to support you anyways.

