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Guide update 4.7464 to 4.7474 Error

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    Guide update 4.7464 to 4.7474 Error

    2013-11-09 13:07:31.29 -08:00> --- Opened
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.29 -08:00> Started
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Read from registry: AddonsDir = C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Read from registry: GamePath = C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\World of Warcraft Launcher.exe
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Read from registry: Once_ChangedToExe = 1
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Read from registry: User = zion6
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Read from registry: Pass = ***
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Read from registry: IconCreated = 1
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Read from registry: AutoMode = 0
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Determined WoW install dir: C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Read from registry: AcceptedLicense = 1
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.30 -08:00> Updater MD5 = 1dfd1bf411e5ff6f0676a9cf747114d6
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.44 -08:00> Read from registry: AcceptedLicense = 1
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.46 -08:00> Checking installed version via C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\ZygorGuidesViewer\Ver.lu a and ZygorGuidesViewer.toc .
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.46 -08:00> Read from registry: ProductString = zgv zg-lev-ac lev-a-mop zg-lev-h lev-h-mop zg-dai-ac dai-a-mop zg-dai-h dai-h-mop zg-proa-a proa-a-mop zg-proa-h proa-h-mop zg-titr-a titr-a-mop zg-titr-h titr-h-mop zg-pets-a pets-a-mop zg-pets-h pets-h-mop zg-dung-a zg-dung-h zg-macr
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.46 -08:00> Version: 7464 (4.0.7464)
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.46 -08:00> Logging in...
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.46 -08:00> Connecting to http://zygorguides.com/updater/packa...1.3.4841.26252
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.47 -08:00> Login status -> LOGGINGIN
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.47 -08:00> Displaying news, 196 chars
    2013-11-09 13:07:31.98 -08:00> Displaying news, 1487 chars
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> Receiving response
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> LOGIN OK
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> USER Bob Elliott
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> UPDATER_MD5 1dfd1bf411e5ff6f0676a9cf747114d6
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN>
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> VER 4.0.7474
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zgv Zygor Guides Viewer addon
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lev-ac Leveling 1-85 - Alliance (Cataclysm)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT lev-a-mop Leveling 1-90 - Alliance (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-lev-h Leveling 1-85 - Horde (Cataclysm)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT lev-h-mop Leveling 1-90 - Horde (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dai-ac Dailies and Events - Alliance (Cataclysm)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT dai-a-mop Dailies and Events - Alliance (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dai-h Dailies and Events - Horde (Cataclysm)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT dai-h-mop Dailies and Events - Horde (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-proa-a Professions and Achievements - Alliance
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT proa-a-mop Professions and Achievements - Alliance (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-proa-h Professions and Achievements - Horde
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT proa-h-mop Professions and Achievements - Horde (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-titr-a Titles and Reputations - Alliance
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT titr-a-mop Titles and Reputations - Alliance (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-titr-h Titles and Reputations - Horde
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT titr-h-mop Titles and Reputations - Horde (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-pets-a Pets and Mounts - Alliance
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT pets-a-mop Pets and Mounts - Alliance (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-pets-h Pets and Mounts - Horde
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT pets-h-mop Pets and Mounts - Horde (Mists)
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dung-a Dungeons and Gear - Alliance
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-dung-h Dungeons and Gear - Horde
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCT zg-macr Macros Guide
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> PRODUCTDIR ZygorGuidesViewer
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> CHG:
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> [A] Loremaster<br />
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> Vashj'ir:<br />
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> Added waypoints for better navigation between quests, and waypoints for additional quest mobs.<br />
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> Fixed a few minor typos in guide steps.<br />
    2013-11-09 13:07:32.51 -08:00> LOGIN> Added player tips and a few

    99% of the time when you get an Updater error like this all you need to do is re-start your computer to fix it. Please try that.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Also check if the paths are correct, "C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft" is a rather unusual loaction to install a game to and maybe some old dafault setting of the updater.

