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Cannot install guide HELP!

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    Cannot install guide HELP!

    So every time I try to install the guide it says that the addon folder do not exist or something. Im using the battle net launcher .Here is a screen shot


    Click the settings button in the lower left corner of the Zygor updater and make sure the folders are set correctly.

    If you need to find the correct folder you can either rightclick the WoW icon (if you still have it though using the battlenet client) and select properties.
    Or in the battlenet client click the beta icon in the top left corner and select settings.
    In the second section ("installation & updates" on my German client) you see the installation path of your WoW. Normally this path plus Interface\Addons is the addons path the launcher needs.
    If you installed WoW to the default folder it is for example:
    C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns

    The second path ("game executable location") is only needed if you want to launch WoW with the Zygor updater.
    Here the complete path with the name of the WoW executable file is needed.
    For example:
    C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW-64.exe
    (if you use the 64 bit client, for 32 bit it's WoW.exe)

