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Zygor Guides Client is already runnung error messsage

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    Zygor Guides Client is already runnung error messsage

    Every time I try to install the guide I get the following error message: An instance of the Zygor Guides Client is already running. Try again? I've tried everything and nothing seems to be working. Has anyone else had this error message?

    The client will run in your task bar down with the icon near your clock. If you get that message then look in with your task bar tray icons to find one that is a Z and use that to open the Updater client.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

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      If you, for some reason, do not have a Z icon in your tray, the fix for this would be to open your process list in the Task Manager (for windows, Ctrl+Alt+Delete), and to find a process similar to java.exe or javaw.exe. Once you find this process, click on it and select End Process (or alternatively you can right click and select End Process from the dropdown menu)



        I did not have the Z icon in my task try but I was able to find a java.exe running using Task Manager. That solved the problem. Thanks Newbie for the help!!!!!

