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Zygor client freezes

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    Zygor client freezes

    I just bought the wildstar guides and when I try to open the Zygor Client (The new black one) the client freezes and I can't do anything, I have to go to task manager and manually kill java to close it. I tried to reinstall java and it's not doing anything.

    Help plz ?

    Last edited by nicotroll; July 26, 2014, 04:09 PM.

    Do you have any anti-virus or firewall software that might be blocking the client's connection to the internet? That screen shot makes it look like it's hung up trying to connect to our website to load up news, changelogs, and your owned guides.
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      I stopped my antivirus software completly (Kaspersky Pure 3) and it's still doing this..
      Here's a copy of my logs:

      1406433086294-@-2014-07-26 11:51:26.295-@-INFO-@-Client starting up.
      1406433086317-@-2014-07-26 11:51:26.317-@-INFO-@-Checking if the client is already running...
      1406433086337-@-2014-07-26 11:51:26.337-@-INFO-@-Done (no)
      1406433086337-@-2014-07-26 11:51:26.337-@-INFO-@-Registering shutdown hook.
      1406433086338-@-2014-07-26 11:51:26.338-@-INFO-@-Registering shutdown monitor.
      1406433086364-@-2014-07-26 11:51:26.364-@-INFO-@-Registering Open Sans font
      1406433087193-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.193-@-INFO-@-[FONT] Successfully loaded Open Sans
      1406433087194-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.194-@-INFO-@-Registering System Tray
      1406433087203-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.203-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://zygorguides.com/javaclient/dist/ZygorGuidesClient.exe.md5##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=GET
      1406433087341-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.341-@-INFO-@-Displaying the Client
      1406433087838-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.838-@-INFO-@-Building DownloadPanel (World of Warcraft)
      1406433087839-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.839-@-INFO-@-Building ChangelogPanel (World of Warcraft)
      1406433087839-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.839-@-INFO-@-Building ChangelogPanel (The Elder Scrolls Online)
      1406433087966-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.966-@-INFO-@-Building DownloadPanel (WildStar)
      1406433087967-@-2014-07-26 11:51:27.967-@-INFO-@-Building ChangelogPanel (WildStar)
      1406433088034-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.034-@-INFO-@-Parsing a new ProductQuery for WildStar
      1406433088034-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.034-@-INFO-@-Parsing a new ProductQuery for The Elder Scrolls Online
      1406433088035-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.035-@-INFO-@-Parsing a new ProductQuery for World of Warcraft
      1406433088036-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.036-@-INFO-@-Building DownloadPanel (The Elder Scrolls Online)
      1406433088036-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.036-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://www.zygorguides.com/updater/packager.php?uv=2.1.11&do=query&user=Nicotroll&pas s=*****##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=GET
      1406433088037-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.037-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://www.zygorguides.com/updater_eso/packager.php?uv=2.1.11&do=query&user=Nicotroll&pas s=*****##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=GET
      1406433088037-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.037-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://www.zygorguides.com/updater_ws/packager.php?uv=2.1.11&do=query&user=Nicotroll&pas s=*****##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=GET
      1406433088195-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.195-@-INFO-@-ProductQuery for World of Warcraft:
      [zg-lev-a-t, zg-lev-h, lev-h-mop, zg-dai-a-t, zg-dai-h, dai-h-mop, zg-proa-a-t, zg-proa-h, proa-h-mop, zg-titr-a-t, zg-titr-h-t, zg-pets-a-t, zg-pets-h, zg-dung-a-t, zg-dung-h-t]
      1406433088196-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.196-@-INFO-@-ProductQuery for WildStar:
      [zg-ws-dom, zg-ws-exi-t]
      1406433088198-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.198-@-INFO-@-ProductQuery for The Elder Scrolls Online:
      [zg-eso-ald-t, zg-eso-dag-t, zg-eso-ebo-t]
      1406433088296-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.296-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://www.zygorguides.com/updater_ws/packager.php?do=ver##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=GET
      1406433088358-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.358-@-INFO-@-Fetching ESO guide version. .txt file exists? true
      1406433088359-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.359-@-INFO-@-zgvTxt exists. Its size is: 3033
      1406433088359-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.359-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://www.zygorguides.com/updater_eso/packager.php?do=ver##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=GET
      1406433088372-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.372-@-INFO-@-Firing automatic download.
      1406433088440-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.440-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://www.zygorguides.com/updater/packager.php?do=ver##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=GET
      1406433088442-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.442-@-INFO-@-Connecting to Zygor.
      1406433088444-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.444-@-INFO-@-Creating connection.
      1406433088450-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.450-@-INFO-@-Checking for Client Updates
      1406433088450-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.450-@-INFO-@-isClientOutdated
      1406433088492-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.492-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://www.zygorguides.com/updater_ws/packager.php##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=POST
      1406433088506-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.506-@-INFO-@-onChange called for loadermd5 -- d63fc51984ea94ecd957af0c7992b243 --> N/A
      1406433088516-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.516-@-INFO-@-onChange called for loadertype -- exe --> N/A
      1406433088639-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.639-@-INFO-@-Building NewsPanel
      1406433088645-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.645-@-INFO-@-Connecting.
      1406433088645-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.645-@-INFO-@-Connected. Content Length: 5006455
      1406433088654-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.654-@-INFO-@-New HttpURLConnection: PATH=http://zygorguides.com/javaclient/Zygor.jar.md5##TIMEOUT=10000##TYPE=GET
      1406433088723-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.723-@-INFO-@-Client is up-to-date. Delaying another 1800s
      1406433088724-@-2014-07-26 11:51:28.724-@-INFO-@-Client Updates check released


        Yeah, that looks like it's having a timeout problem. Where are you located in the world? Could you try using the Command Prompt in Windows to do a 'tracert www.zygorguides.com' and then post up those results?
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          Tracert Zygor.jpg

          I have the same issue. I updated Java (both normal and Java x64) and it still has issues. Here is my Tracert. It was quite slow to connect on the first few jumps... I'm not sure if that helps or not, but please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help y'all on my side.

          Edit: Realized this was also my first post on the forums. Love the guides, keep up the awesome work. Worth the money to have piece of mind that my questing is going to go smoothly and quickly.
          Last edited by caliber; July 27, 2014, 02:23 AM.


            I'm aware of this issue. I have time to day to look into it and hopefully find out what's causing it.

            Does this happen every single time you launch the client?

            And as a side note, there isn't a timeout issue based on the log entries and your tracert.


              Would it be possible to get a refund on the wildstar guide ? I'd rather buy it again in a few weeks once everything is settled. My wildstar subscription ended today and I have yet to be able to test the guides and I don't want to resubscribe right now not knowing how the guide work on it. It would be much appreciated. I'm a long time fan of your Wow Guides so don't get me wrong here, I know this guide is of high quality and that you'll get those issues resolved, I'd just rather wait a bit before buying this new one. Thanks


                Please send any refund requests in to support@zygorguides.com.

                As a side note, the client not working right for you has no effect on the guides as you can always do a manual install of them to get them in game.
                Become a Fan of Zygor Guides on Facebook:

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                  Thanks a lot.
                  I'll give the wildstar guide another go in the following weeks/months.

                  Also, If it can help you resolve the issues with the client freezes, here is a screenshot of the tracert.
                  To answer your question, I live in Canada and have optical fiber internet.



                    This should be fixed as of a little bit ago. Sorry for the delay.
                    Last edited by Zygor Admin; August 5, 2014, 01:29 PM.

