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Gold Guide Not Installing, or no option to install... :(

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    Gold Guide Not Installing, or no option to install... :(

    Hi there, So I just bought the game and I have the leveling guide etc....I even re-installed the client and when I pull the client up, on the left hand side it says, "Game Installation" and has directories listed to the right and then below "game installation" it has the words "Wow Gold Guide" with games directories again listed to the right of that. But I don't see anywhere where it asks to download "wow Gold Guide" and so I was thinking that maybe it installed automatically, but when I pulled up WOW, the only "zygor: activated guide: leveling" which tells me that it didn't install it........Any help on this?

    EDIT: Okay, the Gold Folder is there, as I can see it in the zygor directory in my wow addon folder, BUT it isn't loading into the game, or if is, I sure don't see it coming up when I bring WOW up.....I only see the leveling zygor feature.....

    EDIT AGAIN: Well, I had deleted the zygor directory in WOW and deleted the zygor client directory and now it's downloading anything....below is the screenshot I'm getting when I pull the client up....It doesn't even show the games on the client like it use to... By un-installing it and re-installing it, it made the problem worse! Now it's not even installing the guides whatsoever.....no "install" button, and no directory creased in the addons under the interface wow folder. The client points to the correct directories, but now how do I get the client to install the actual guides?


    Last edited by onlyfantasy; March 20, 2015, 09:16 PM.

    Okay, after doing a manual install of all the guides, they are showing up in the directory, but I'm worried that since the games aren't listed in the client that they won't update correctly when there are updates???


      I think I'm okay now, as it's finally letting me click on "preferences" without giving me an error and now it seems to be updating....I will repost if I have any further errors. Thanks.

