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Zygor launcher?

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    Zygor launcher?

    Soooooo I get my PC upgrades! and I am having an issue...Cant get Zygor client to open at all. I replaced my Motherboard, Processor, Video card, took out my sound card as I donty need it anymore, Pretty much...whole 9, even upgraded to 16 GB ram., But the zygor client isn't opening...(I cant log into wow atm till I can get in touch with blizz cuz authenticator not working right, so I cant see if itys at least working in game), I tried reinstalling zygor client...Help!!! (For teh record, I have another program not opening either...but its only zygor and that other program which has nothing to do with wow....But not sure if the two issues could be related :P) anyways...help me please :P Thank you and I upgraded my coolin system too (Had to for the processor)
    I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!

    Have you tried reinstalling Java?
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      *snickers* No. lol I think I should have tried that, I'll try that (I also found out and im trying to figure out what my husband did wityh it...But apparetly its saying I need tyo activate my windows....I need to know what hgubby did with my key. lol could that play an effect on it?
      I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!


        I don't think it will give connection problems but anything's possible.
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          Reinstalling Java worked Thanks
          I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!

