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manual installation of guides no longer works!!

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    manual installation of guides no longer works!!

    For years now I have downloaded and installed my Zygor guides manually and everything worked fine.

    Recently though (since beginning September 2017) this no longer works and when I enter the game it tells me my guides are out of date and I need to update them??

    I have tried numerous suggestions from Zygor and nothing works. I downloaded and installed the client as finally suggested by Zygor admin and the vlient does not start up?

    All this fiddling around is wasting LOTS of my precious time - has anybody else experienced similar problems with the manual install and fixed it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    My game are not installed in the default directories as a have a very small 120GB C:/ drive.Error occured in Global.txt

    I have found a work around to the above problem - it does need the download and installation of the latest releae of Java and the Zygor client.

    Download and install the latest release of Java if you need it as well as the Zygor client. When installing the client accept ALL of the default install options and restart your PC. After restarting my PC I started the Zygor client. It informed me that I already had the latest release of the Zygor guide.

    I restarted WoW and I encountered the same problem as previously mentioned above (i.e. no game guides found). I exited WoW and restarted the Zygor client. In the bottom right window of the client I clicked on the little spanner icon and clicked the Repair button. Restarted WoW with still no guides found. I exited WoW and restarted the Zygor client. In the bottom right window of the client I clicked on the little spanner icon and clicked the Sync folder button. I restarted WoW and the guides now work.

    I guess only the Zygor development team can tell us why I had to do all of this to get it fixed????
    Last edited by mikewardinsa; September 22, 2017, 06:34 AM. Reason: Have found resolution to problem

    I have found a work around to the above problem - it does need the download and installation of the latest releae of Java and the Zygor client.

    Download and install the latest release of Java if you need it as well as the Zygor client. When installing the client accept ALL of the default install options and restart your PC. After restarting my PC I started the Zygor client. It informed me that I already had the latest release of the Zygor guide.

    I restarted WoW and I encountered the same problem as previously mentioned above (i.e. no game guides found). I exited WoW and restarted the Zygor client. In the bottom right window of the client I clicked on the little spanner icon and clicked the Repair button. Restarted WoW with still no guides found. I exited WoW and restarted the Zygor client. In the bottom right window of the client I clicked on the little spanner icon and clicked the Sync folder button. I restarted WoW and the guides now work.

    I guess only the Zygor development team can tell us why I had to do all of this to get it fixed????


      Normally when there are no guides showing it means the settings file became corrupted. That can normally be fixed by going into the WoW/WTF/Account/<accountname>/SavedVariables folder and deleting the Zygor files in there. Those normally are not touched with a normal reinstall or with using the manual installation zip file. With the back and forth in the game it must have somehow worked itself out.
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