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More leatherworking bugs

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    More leatherworking bugs

    This post is not related to the "Leatherworking Bugs" post. It's distinct.

    So, generally speaking, the skill level values for leatherworking items have changed. For instance (Don't you love these?):

    Step 72 says to make 5 Armor Kits until you reach 205. Step 73 says to learn 'Nightscape Pants'. Problem is, one can not learn 'Nightscape Pants' until level 230.

    Time to audit the Leatherworking guide.


    That being said, I could get all angry about it but I'm not. Is it frustrating? Yes, it is. However, it's just a game. Give the guys at Zygor some slack (some, at least!) for I know they are busy making us another guide for Dungeons. That'll be nice.

    Alright, Cabby, see you in the intertubes! :P