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"Bad stage in quest" bug reports? Post them here!

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    VERSION: 1.0.9349
    LEVEL: 28
    GUIDE: LEVELING\Shadowfen (24-30)
    STEP: 662
    - 1. Go to Vision of the Hist 54,66 <goto> [passive] [visionofthehist_base 54.89,66.39 <5] was_visited=true
    - 2. Explore Deeper into the Dream <q> [incomplete] [quest The Dream of the Hist##193554/6/1/1] was_complete=false

    QUEST: The Dream of the Hist ##191002
    [2] = {
    [[Q1 Vicecanon Heita-Meen asked me to ___ in Shadowfen.<124>]],
    [[S1 I have entered the Hist's dream with ___ forces within it.<127>]],
    [[S1C1 == Talk to the Hist-Brothers]],



      VERSION: 1.0.9349
      LEVEL: 28
      GUIDE: LEVELING\Shadowfen (24-30)
      STEP: 663
      - 1. Go to Vision of the Hist 56,67 <goto> [passive] [visionofthehist_base 56.27,67.47 <5] was_visited=true
      - 2. Talk to Hist-Brother <talk> [incomplete] [quest The Dream of the Hist##193554/7/1/1] npc=Hist-Brother npcid=193188 was_complete=false
      - 3. There are three of them in here <tip> [passive] tooltip=There are three of them in here

      --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
      QUEST: The Dream of the Hist ##191002
      [2] = {
      [[Q1 Vicecanon Heita-Meen asked me to ___ in Shadowfen.<124>]],
      [[S1 I spoke with the entities within the ___ anything new.<129>]],
      [[S1C1 == Return to Heita-Meen]],
      --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
      QUEST: The Dream of the Hist ##191002
      [2] = {
      [[Q1 Vicecanon Heita-Meen asked me to ___ in Shadowfen.<124>]],
      [[S1 After the Hist-brothers left the dream, ___ me to approach it.<126>]],
      [[S1C0 == Talk to the Voice of the Hist]],
      [[S1C1 Talk to the Voice of the Hist]],
      [[S1C2 Talk to the Voice of the Hist]],

      ZG DEV 3: FIXED


        VERSION: 1.0.9349
        FACTION: EP
        LEVEL: 28
        GUIDE: LEVELING\Shadowfen (24-30)
        STEP: 664
        - 1. Go to Vision of the Hist 52,17 <goto> [passive] [visionofthehist_base 52.82,17.19 <5] was_visited=false
        - 2. Click Voice of the Hist <click> [incomplete] [quest The Dream of the Hist##193554/8/-/-] target=Voice of the Hist count=0 was_complete=false targetid=193169

        --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
        QUEST: The Dream of the Hist ##191002
        RECENT STAGES: 1
        [2] = {
        [[Q1 Vicecanon Heita-Meen asked me to ___ in Shadowfen.<124>]],
        [[S1 The Hist concentrated within the Mnemic ___ where we are.<201>]],
        [[S1C0 == Talk to Vicecanon Heita-Meen]],

        ZG DEV 3: FIXED


          VERSION: 1.0.9349
          FACTION: EP
          LEVEL: 29
          GUIDE: LEVELING\Shadowfen (24-30)
          STEP: 667
          - 1. Varen should have appeared to you and given you this quest: <text> [passive]
          - 2. Accept `Halls of Torment' <accept> [incomplete] [quest Halls of Torment##93065/-/-/-]

          --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
          QUEST: A Poisoned Heart ##193026
          RECENT STAGES: 5,6
          [7] = {
          [[Q1 While wading through the swamp, I ___ them clean it up.<157>]],
          [[S1 I gave the enchanted container filled ___ about my reward.<122>]],
          [[S1C0 == Talk to Marius]],

          ZG DEV 3: FIXED


            VERSION: 1.0.9349
            FACTION: DC
            LEVEL: 34
            GUIDE: LEVELING\Alik'r Desert (30-36)
            STEP: 363
            - 1. Go to Bergama 53,43 <goto> [passive] [bergama_base 53.42,43.82 <5] was_visited=false
            - 2. Talk to Meriq <talk> [passive] npcid=172236 npc=Meriq
            - 3. Accept `Trouble at Tava's Blessing' <accept> [incomplete] [quest Trouble at Tava's Blessing##172386/-/-/-]

            --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
            QUEST: Gone Missing ##172014
            RECENT STAGES: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
            POSSIBLE STAGE:
            [15] = {
            [[Q1 People are disappearing from the ___ the matter.<101>]],
            [[S1 The Magistrate and Bailiff Fakimal were ___ with Justice Istah.<225>]],
            [[S1C0 == Talk to Istah]],

            ZG DEV 3: FIXED


              VERSION: 1.0.9349
              FACTION: DC
              LEVEL: 50
              GUIDE: LEVELING\Eastmarch (30-35)
              STEP: 408
              - 1. Go to Eastmarch 45,67 <goto> [passive] [eastmarch_base 45.62,67.44 <5] was_visited=true
              - 2. Talk to High Priest Esling <talk> [passive] npc=High Priest Esling npcid=153224
              - 3. Offer to go into the dream yourself <q> [complete] [quest Eternal Slumber##153023/8/1/1] was_complete=past
              - 4. Turned in `Eternal Slumber' <turnin> [complete] [quest Eternal Slumber##153023/-/-/-] was_complete=true
              - 5. Accept `Gods Save the King' <accept> [incomplete] [quest Gods Save the King##153024/-/-/-]

              --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
              QUEST: Eternal Slumber ##153023
              RECENT STAGES: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
              POSSIBLE STAGE:
              [9] = {
              [[Q1 Jorunn the Skald-King has been ___ is running out.<171>]],
              [[S1 The Three Old Gods showed me visions ___ I can do to help.<160>]],
              [[S1C0 == Talk to High Priest Esling]],

              ZG DEV 3: FIXED


                VERSION: 1.0.9349
                FACTION: DC
                LEVEL: 50
                GUIDE: LEVELING\Eastmarch (30-35)
                STEP: 415
                - 1. Go to Eastmarch 45,67 <goto> [passive] [eastmarch_base 45.59,67.40 <5] was_visited=false
                - 2. Talk to High Priest Esling <talk> [passive] npc=High Priest Esling npcid=153224
                - 3. Ask about the Fox <q> [incomplete] [quest Gods Save the King##153024/5/2/1] was_complete=false

                --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                QUEST: Gods Save the King ##153024
                RECENT STAGES: 1,2,3,4,5
                POSSIBLE STAGE:
                [6] = {
                [[Q1 The Dreamwalker is lost in King ___ kills the King.<154>]],
                [[S1 The second trial requires quickness. I ___ before I choose.<156>]],
                [[S1C1 == Pray to the Fox]],
                [[S1C2 Pray to the Bear]],
                [[S1C3 Pray to the Wolf]],
                [[S2 NO TEXT]],

                ZG DEV 3: FIXED


                  VERSION: 1.0.9349
                  FACTION: DC
                  LEVEL: 50
                  GUIDE: LEVELING\Eastmarch (30-35)
                  STEP: 494
                  - 1. Go to Eastmarch 64,56 <goto> [passive] [eastmarch_base 64.09,56.31 <5] was_visited=true
                  - 2. Talk to General Yeveth Noramil <talk> [passive] npc=General Yeveth Noramil npcid=153106
                  - 3. Accept `Sneak Peak' <accept> [incomplete] [quest Sneak Peak##153029/-/-/-]

                  --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                  QUEST: A Council of Thanes ##153028
                  RECENT STAGES: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
                  POSSIBLE STAGE:
                  [12] = {
                  [[Q1 The Dark Elves and Argonians are ___ council, as well.<199>]],
                  [[S1 Now that the war council has concluded, ___ to speak to me.<76>]],
                  [[S1C0 == Talk to Jorunn the Skald-King]],

                  ZG DEV 3: FIXED


                    VERSION: 1.0.9349
                    FACTION: DC
                    LEVEL: 32
                    GUIDE: LEVELING\Rivenspire (24-30)
                    STEP: 657
                    - 1. Go to Rivenspire 71,28 <goto> [passive] [rivenspire_base 71.49,28.84 <5] was_visited=false
                    - 2. Talk to Baron Alard Dorell <talk> [incomplete] [quest Northpoint in Peril##52014/1/-/-] npc=Baron Alard Dorell was_complete=false npcid=52023

                    - no detailed report available -

                    Just got to this stage of the quest and NO NPC there. So not sure what to do now. when I advance to the next to go into the house to talk to Skordo. cant talk to him.


                      VERSION: 1.0.9349
                      FACTION: DC
                      LEVEL: 50
                      GUIDE: LEVELING\The Rift (35-42)
                      STEP: 63
                      - 1. Go to The Rift 60,28 <goto> [passive] [therift_base 60.85,28.33 <5] was_visited=true
                      - 2. Use the Prayer Beads in this location <q> [incomplete] [quest The Rise of Sage Svari##163005/6/-/-] was_complete=false
                      - 3. Pray with Skald Svari at the Shrine of Ylgar <q> [incomplete] [quest The Rise of Sage Svari##163005/7/-/-] was_complete=false

                      --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                      QUEST: The Rise of Sage Svari ##163005
                      RECENT STAGES: 1,2,4,5
                      POSSIBLE STAGE:
                      [6] = {
                      [[Q1 Skald Svari has been proposed as the ___ to accompany her.<186>]],
                      [[S1 We're at the Shrine of Ylgar. Time to pray with Skald Svari.]],
                      [[S1C1 == Pray with Skald Svari at the Shrine of Ylgar]],
                      [[S1C2 ]],
                      [[S2 NO TEXT]],
                      [[S2C1 Use Prayer Beads at Shrine]],
                      --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                      QUEST: The Rise of Sage Svari ##163005
                      RECENT STAGES: 1,2,4,5
                      POSSIBLE STAGE:
                      [6] = {
                      [[Q1 Skald Svari has been proposed as the ___ to accomp

                      any her.<186>]],
                      [[S1 We're at the Shrine of Ylgar. Time to pray with Skald Svari.]],
                      [[S1C1 == Pray with Skald Svari at the Shrine of Ylgar]],
                      [[S1C2 ]],
                      [[S2 NO TEXT]],
                      [[S2C1 TRACKER GOAL TEXT]],

                      ZG DEV 3: FIXED


                        VERSION: 1.0.9349
                        FACTION: DC
                        LEVEL: 50
                        GUIDE: LEVELING\The Rift (35-42)
                        STEP: 65
                        - 1. Go to The Rift 59,26 <goto> [passive] [therift_base 59.09,26.41 <5] was_visited=true
                        - 2. Use the Prayer Beads in this location <q> [complete] [quest The Rise of Sage Svari##163005/9/2/1] was_complete=past
                        - 3. Pray with Skald Svari at the Shrine of Ysgramor <q> [incomplete] [quest The Rise of Sage Svari##163005/10/-/-] was_complete=false

                        --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                        QUEST: The Rise of Sage Svari ##163005
                        RECENT STAGES: 1,2,4,5,8
                        POSSIBLE STAGE:
                        [9] = {
                        [[Q1 Skald Svari has been proposed as the ___ to accompany her.<186>]],
                        [[S1 Skald Svari and I have reached the Shrine of Ysgramor. Time to pray.]],
                        [[S1C1 == Pray with Skald Svari at the Shrine of Ysgramor]],
                        [[S1C2 ]],
                        [[S2 NO TEXT]],
                        [[S2C1 Use Prayer Beads at Shrine]],

                        ZG DEV 3: FIXED


                          VERSION: 1.0.9349
                          FACTION: DC
                          LEVEL: 50
                          GUIDE: LEVELING\The Rift (35-42)
                          STEP: 105
                          - 1. Go to The Rift 49,26 <goto> [passive] [therift_base 49.79,26.46 <5] was_visited=false
                          - 2. Talk to Prisoner Tovisa <talk> [incomplete] [quest Scouting the Mine##163008/2/1/1] was_complete=false npc=Prisoner Tovisa npcid=163067

                          --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                          QUEST: Scouting the Mine ##163008
                          RECENT STAGES: 1,2
                          POSSIBLE STAGE:
                          [3] = {
                          [[Q1 Tovisa wants help at Northwind Mine. ___ to find out why.<103>]],
                          [[S1 Tovisa said to get into the mystics' ___ a key to the mine.<95>]],
                          [[S1C1 == Listen to the Reach Plans]],
                          [[S2 NO TEXT]],
                          [[S2C1 Only Guards and Mystics Enter the Sanctum]],


                            VERSION: 1.0.9349
                            FACTION: DC
                            LEVEL: 50
                            GUIDE: LEVELING\The Rift (35-42)
                            STEP: 106
                            - 1. Go to The Rift 48,26 <goto> [passive] [therift_base 48.99,26.83 <5] was_visited=false
                            - 2. Click Alona's Sanctum <click> [passive] targetid=163019 target=Alona's Sanctum count=0
                            - 3. Enter Alona's Sanctum <goto> [incomplete] [therift_base 48.88,26.85 <5] [quest Scouting the Mine##163008/3/-/-] was_complete=false was_visited=false force_complete=true force_noway=true

                            --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                            QUEST: Scouting the Mine ##163008
                            RECENT STAGES: 1,2
                            POSSIBLE STAGE:
                            [3] = {
                            [[Q1 Tovisa wants help at Northwind Mine. ___ to find out why.<103>]],
                            [[S1 Tovisa said to get into the mystics' ___ a key to the mine.<95>]],
                            [[S1C1 == Listen to the Reach Plans]],
                            [[S2 NO TEXT]],


                              VERSION: 1.0.9349
                              FACTION: DC
                              LEVEL: 32
                              GUIDE: LEVELING\Rivenspire (24-30)
                              STEP: 813
                              - 1. Go to Shornhelm 52,68 <goto> [passive] [shornhelm_base 52.55,68.50 <5] was_visited=true
                              - 2. Wait for the Informer <q> [incomplete] [quest A Spy in Shornhelm##52024/3/-/-] was_complete=false

                              --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                              QUEST: A Spy in Shornhelm ##52024
                              RECENT STAGES: 1,2,3
                              POSSIBLE STAGE:
                              [4] = {
                              [[Q1 Adusa fears that Montclair agents still ___ Montclair informer.<159>]],
                              [[S1 I picked up the courier's coin from the ___ in the upper city.<148>]],
                              [[S1C0 == Talk to Adusa in the Upper City]],
                              [[S1C1 Talk to Adusa in the Upper City]],
                              [[S1C2 Talk to Adusa in the Upper City]],


                                Bug Report!

                                VERSION: 1.0.9349
                                FACTION: DC
                                LEVEL: 32
                                GUIDE: LEVELING\Rivenspire (24-30)
                                STEP: 813
                                - 1. Go to Shornhelm 52,68 <goto> [passive] [shornhelm_base 52.55,68.50 <5] was_visited=true
                                - 2. Wait for the Informer <q> [incomplete] [quest A Spy in Shornhelm##52024/3/-/-] was_complete=false

                                --- QUEST STAGE REPORT ---
                                QUEST: A Spy in Shornhelm ##52024
                                RECENT STAGES: 1,2,3
                                POSSIBLE STAGE:
                                [4] = {
                                [[Q1 Adusa fears that Montclair agents still ___ Montclair informer.<159>]],
                                [[S1 I picked up the courier's coin from the ___ in the upper city.<148>]],
                                [[S1C0 == Talk to Adusa in the Upper City]],
                                [[S1C1 Talk to Adusa in the Upper City]],
                                [[S1C2 Talk to Adusa in the Upper City]],

                                waiting for the informer. but nothing happened and cant advance. next part step 814 says to intimidate Vignac the Unkempt and cannot do that when I talk to him
                                Last edited by hfbd; June 5, 2014, 10:57 PM.

