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Covenant Assault Guide Stuck on Completed

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    Covenant Assault Guide Stuck on Completed

    Sorry if this is posted somewhere, but I couldn't find it. The first time I use the Covenant Assault guide on one character (it doesn't matter which), then it remembers the assault has been done and is useless to my alts. I've tried closing that particular guide and reloading it to clear it, but it remembers that another character as completed it and it won't reset until the next covenant assault launches (at which time I'll be able to use it ... once). I can't even manually get to the step I want to see for the assault that I'm doing. Clicking the arrow to go backward or forward steps makes the guide jump from an early step to the end because I did the Kyrian assault today. Until this is fixed is there a manual way to clear the memory or whatever so I can use this guide on alts?
    Last edited by gwirvin; August 3, 2021, 09:51 PM.

    Are you using a shared Zygor profile on your toons or do they each have their own profile?

    As a work around you should be able to hold Ctrl + Alt keys to step from 17 to 18 and work thru the guide manually.
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