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Guardian Druid Class Talent Autofill

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    Guardian Druid Class Talent Autofill


    I try the talents for my lvl 60 guardian druid. The druid tree went ok. In Guardian tree stops to the red arrows in image. I had to insert manual points to continue. The rest points are random. in 5th line also at the right if i don't put the 5 points (mark as X) i can't continue to the bottom right talents.


    If you reset the talents and only look to see where the suggestions are (don't try to auto-fill) do you see the proper suggestions for those affected talents?
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      I reset and i manual apply them it's stop at 5th line 2nd spell (Vulnerable Flesh). Also the "Tooth and Claw" suggest 2 points (+2) and have only 1 rank. Also you cannot put points to "Scintillating Moonlight" because the upper path missing.

      Last edited by bellios; November 20, 2022, 06:44 PM.


        When you look at the guide viewer setting what does it show on the About page for the version number? I'm looking in the guide files and I see it listing 2 points into Vulnerable Flesh.
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          Version 8.1.28025 the latest. I also delete the addon and re-install it and reset it. the same.

          PS: i also see the file containing the the talent data.

          Vulnerable Flesh##103197
          Vulnerable Flesh##103197

          The number next to spell it's the Spell ID or something else?

          PS1: the other specializations work ok.

          I check it on PTR and Beta. The same.
          Last edited by bellios; November 21, 2022, 04:20 AM.


            Maybe Blizzard is doing something screwy with that ID after the first point is spent. We'll check on it but you should be good to go if you manually spend the 2nd point in that talent.
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              Just came back from work and see your message. Well it's not Blizzard error. I manage to fix it. I install the "idTip Community Fork" addon and i see that some TraitEntryID numbers are wrong in your data file and also the chain of the spells are inserted:

              Wrong ID's

              Brambles##103230 --> 103231
              Tooth and Claw##103228 --> 103197
              Vulnerable Flesh##103197 --> 103228
              Vulnerable Flesh##103197 --> 103228

              and i also move and remove some lines

              so the full Guardian tree are:

              Survival Instincts##103193
              Gory Fur##103196
              Ursine Adept##103217
              Berserk: Ravage##103216
              Innate Resolve##103229
              Vulnerable Flesh##103228
              Vulnerable Flesh##103228
              Tooth and Claw##103197
              Fury of Nature##103203
              Fury of Nature##103203
              Improved Survival Instincts##103192
              Flashing Claws##103226
              Flashing Claws##103226
              Survival of the Fittest##103210
              Survival of the Fittest##103210
              Guardian of Elune##103205
              Berseck: Persistence##103211
              Scintillating Moonlight##103213
              Scintillating Moonlight##103213
              Twin Moonfire##103212
              Galactic Guardian##103214
              I'm not an expert in the class but i found that this configuration works for me.
              Also in the above tree you can drop 1-2 or more points from the end to activate Circle of Life and Death (103202) for more healing, or Elune's Favored (103128) for more damage (based of wowhead guide!!)

              Hope you don't mind to change the file. I just did it to help you out.

              Friendly Nick

