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Issues currently faced with App in game

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    Issues currently faced with App in game

    Morning all,

    currently i have faced the following issues whilst using the app in game:
    1. action buttons on bars above main bar not being selectable
    2. at periods a either click or press hotkey and get error message forcing me to disable viewer for buttons to work (not helpful in dungeon scenarios!)
    3. constantly having to reload UI to get it all to work
    I'm not sure if these are occurrences felt by the rest of the users but it is starting to get frustrating.

    Any guidance/advice is welcome.

    This is actually caused by bugs in the new Blizzard UI and there is nothing we can do about this. This is not something that you would see with just our addon but it happens with a lot of addons. The only things you can do is to ignore it and reload the UI or stop using all addons until Blizzard fixes it.

    All of that said I have a personal theory on how to reduce this from happening. I have been playing now for several days (many hours a day) and I have not seen this error or had any issues with my keybinds. I think this might be due to using ElvUI and the Benik UI plugin for it. I think having an almost full UI overhaul with addons may drastically reduce what the Blizzard UI is trying to do thus reducing the amount of issues. Granted this is not proven and it's just my personal theory but one you are free to test to see if it helps you at all.
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