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*.blp (files how to do)

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    *.blp (files how to do)

    Dear Zygor,

    How do I create images for my user custom guides, you have included most zones. But it would be nice to have images for world events, profession and such for custom guides . Been searching the www, but had no luck creating a successful file so far, they are shown as green in the guide index. So I obviously need some help here, if you could be so kind. What program do you use? How to make original *.bmp to *.blp2 file.

    A easier format to use will probably be *.tga. We use a lot of blp because the file size is smaller.


    Is a decent link for what you need to do to make images work. The power of Google might also be able to help.

    Make sure your dimension sizes are both a power of 2.

    Dealing with images is kind of a pain to start so if you need any other help just shoot me a PM.

