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Brief steps on Guide

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    Brief steps on Guide

    I prefer using brief steps and hide completed on the regular guide but as of several weeks ago there has been an error (type over) on brief steps.

    When selecting brief steps, the guide colapses the steps, however, the "Goto (coords)" information stays displayed and the first non-completed step displays ON THE SAME LINE.

    Before, when I selected brief step the "Goto (coords)" information was hidden until you moused over the guide but now it stays there all the time.

    This displaying of the goto and the first non-completed step on the SAME line makes it annoying to say the least. I have had to disable brief steps to be able to read the information on the lines.

    Has anyone else had this problem? I have been hoping that what with all the recent updates that it would be corrected by now, but no such luck so far.

    We are aware of this problem and it will be fixed as soon as we can. I think the dev team have been focused the last week on the bugs with the arrow and travel system as that will affect everyone but with this one the Primary mode still works to display everything until the Secondary mode can be fixed.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

