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Unable to write?

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    Unable to write?

    Whenever I load up wow or boot up my computer, this is the warning I get. It started happening when the gold guide got released, I have tried to uninstall and reinstall, I update weekly when I do my pc maintenance stuff & still get this, not sure what it is or if its a bug? Anyways....here is a screenshot to show you what I am talking about. a second warning always comes up usually, so if that one pops up again, I will write down what it says...there is no error code with any of them, just unable to write to warnings? Help? And also, I do not have the gold guide yet (Can't afford it yet, but dad said if I wait, he will buy it for me in a coiuple months for my bday which is why im waiting....)unabletowrite.jpg
    I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!

    Please go to your C:\Program Files (x86) folder and delete the Zygor Guides Client folder that you find in there. Then log into the Members Area (http://www.zygorguides.com/members/) and download a new client installer and run that.
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