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Custom Addon LUA error

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    Custom Addon LUA error

    Hi Zygor,

    After the new patch ZGV can't load custom stand-alone "guide addon" anymore. I get this parser error. I tried to turn all other addons off, and the result is the same error. Also tried a reinstall. Deleted WTF zygor files. And so on.

    Also I noticed that you have removed "
    guide_format.html", does ZGV not support custom guide addon after patch 7.0.3?

    Message: ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:813: ERROR in startup frame 3: Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Parser.lua:1452: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)in
    [C]: ?
    Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Parser.lua:1452: in function `ParseHeader'
    Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Guide.lua:248: in function `ParseHeader'
    ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:463: in function `Startup_LoadGuides_Threaded'
    ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:689: in function <...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:589>
    Time: 07/21/16 15:44:53
    Count: 1
    Stack: [C]: in function `error'
    ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:813: in function `StartupStep'
    Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\MasterFrame.lua:6: in function <Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\MasterFrame.lua:4>
    Locals: (*temporary) = "ERROR in startup frame 3: Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Parser.lua:1452: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got string)
    [C]: ?
    Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Parser.lua:1452: in function `ParseHeader'
    Interface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\Guide.lua:248: in function `ParseHeader'
    ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:463: in function `Startup_LoadGuides_Threaded'
    ...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:689: in function <...rface\AddOns\ZygorGuidesViewer\ZygorGuidesViewer.lua:589>

    I was refering to this type of guides.
    Creating a guide

    Every user guide needs to be registered with the Guide Viewer for it to display. This can be done in two ways:
    1. Creating a stand-alone "guide addon".
      1. If you have written addons before, just skip the basics here
      2. Create a new directory under \Interface\Addons, naming it - for example - MyGuide.
      3. Create a file in there, naming it MyGuide.toc, containing - basically - this:
        [FONT=Verdana]## Interface: 30300[/FONT]
        [FONT=Verdana]## Title: My Guide For Something[/FONT]
        [FONT=Verdana]## Dependencies: ZygorGuidesViewer[/FONT]
    Last edited by yonaz; July 21, 2016, 09:15 AM. Reason: added info

    Please run the desktop client and use the wrench icon to select Reinstall. That should fix the parseheader error. Right now the custom guides are not supported due to the subscription system and we look into ways to be able to have custom guides without it being used to circumvent the subscription licensing system.
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      Thanks for your reply Zygor.

      To be honest I dont know what to think, I have mixed feelings about this change. It literally beats my game to pieces, and I'm very fustrated and disappointed...

      I have supported you guys all the years by buying all your guides to make sure ZGV was active. Most of your guides I never used, it was my way to support your Addon. Most guides I use, I custom created long before Zygor made those guides. I still update them and use them when ever I need it. Also use your guides and mix them in my guides. Leech is awesome. Each time an new exp. comes out, I make an all-in-one dailie guide, it saves me so many hours so I can play less at night and have plenty time for family stuff. Alternative is to quit wow, since family always comes first.

      That what's special about ZGV, you can use your guides, split guides, mix them and make some even more brilliant guides. The funktions in ZGV make it possible to make really advanced guides. I love everytime I see you have made a new feature, and the potentiel it have. Most features you never fully add to your guides. Like guide condition to gray out all of the guides you have compleated.

      Us Zygor supporters that have brought all your guides and updates for years, we did support you all the way. We dont have fanzy names like elite, but we're your true supporters and we use cash to pay for each expension. We brought everything! No fanzy titles True Supports since 2008 or anything. I really wish you would appreciate us. We don't circumvent anything, we already paid to show out full support for your work. It's your new customers that is the risk. And I really need my custom guides ingame. Officiel Zygor guides is missing very importen content ingame.

      I thought you said you made your addon free so all can make user guides, and the user could buy the guides for your addon. To fulfill the addon development policy or something like that in the days. Oh yeah I found the issu back them, and you're welcome.

      I really do hope you find ways to have "elite subscription licensing system" without it being used to circumvent the original intent of custom guides.

      I feel disappointed aye.
      Last edited by yonaz; September 16, 2016, 05:35 PM.


        Originally posted by Zygor Support View Post
        Right now the custom guides are not supported due to the subscription system
        Took some time to figure it out, but I was final able to convert my custom guides to be read by ZGV again.
        I really havnt played much legion because I missed my custom gudes.

        Now Im happy again thanks

