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Waypoint Arrow Going Crazy?

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    Waypoint Arrow Going Crazy?

    Frequently, especially in caves or while flying, the waypoint arrow will continuously shake back and forth. Sometimes it'll even go crazy and rotate 360 degrees multiple times while still shaking like it has a mind of its own. The only temporary fix I've found for this is doing a /reload. Is there any confirmed cause or fix for this? I've only been in Legion zones lately so I'm not sure if it's just those zones or if it happens elsewhere too.

    Thank you!

    Yes, a /reload does help. Before you do that, have you tried right-clicking the arrow and selecting "recheck route"? The arrow must be in interractive mode, meaning you can't have locked it.
    A volunteer Curse Moderator. I write some AddOns too.



      Well I also just did some testing and it's only the "Midnight" arrow that does this. The other 3 arrow types seem completely stable.


        Do not use the other 3 skins right now. They can cause an error that you will not be able to get rid of without doing a complete reset of your guide files.

        Does the shaking just happen as you are entering or exiting the cave? It might just be at that border between the two maps where it's shaking and if you take a few steps forward it should stop.
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          No it can happen at any time, just caves and flying from flight path to flight path is when I often notice it. It doesn't happen at all with the default Stealth arrow style though so I'll just stick with that for now.


            Yeah, if you were using one of the other 3 skins then that would have caused the problems. Sticking to the default arrow should work well until we're able to get the other 3 working properly.
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              Okay great, thank you !

