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New Guide SIS

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    New Guide SIS

    I have used your guides for over a year now and last night I uninstalled the older V2. Before I did this I wrote down my steps I was on for all of my toons not knowing you had this new system. When I logged in to my toons to set the guide to the proper steps I was surprised the guide loaded all of my toons to the correct step without me having to do a thing. I don't have any high level except my 62 Dk all the others are at or under 20 but I was great not having to look through the guide to find my spot.

    My Undead Warlock is at lvl 20 and the guide brought it to Horde main guide 13-20 step 185 which is where I left of at.

    Having the SIS feature made it so much easier to get back into the leveling guide. I had also left of doing dungeons before because I didn't want to get to far off of the guide. Look forward to seeing what happens when I do dungeons now.

    Great guide and thank you for all the hard work you and your staff have done.
    Last edited by Silvaro; December 23, 2009, 06:43 AM. Reason: typo

    Awesome, thank you for your testimonial. :-)
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      New Guide SIS

      Just bought the Guide several weeks ago, after running the trial on a new human pally. Didn't take long to convince me that it was worth buying. Noticed in the write ups and forums that saving the step was the thing to do, then here is my first update & guess what's changed. I have 2 x 80, 4 x 60+ and my pally at 28. I try to keep my XP bar in the blue for the extra XP, so I move regularly from toon to toon. The new intuitive system is great, there are some areas I dislike, too much of a grind, so now it's easier to skip and still stay on track. Keep up the good work.
      Last edited by oversixty; December 27, 2009, 02:53 PM. Reason: New Thread or Not?


        Agree entirely. I have 'dug' out some old alts I leveled a long time ago with a new found love for them! Thanks Zygor!


          Glad you guys like the guides. :-)
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