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Sholazar Basin Inputs

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    Sholazar Basin Inputs

    • Step 16 of pre-quests: I was capturing chickens, logged out foe the night. When I came back in today the arrow would not show until I moved to the next step ... *poof* arrow appeard all by itself
    • Step 19 of pre-quests: put a comment how this is a worm and to look for the dirt pile
    Cairne Realm
    Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
    Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
    Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter

    • Step 51: the last step ... as a cloth wearer you need help
    Cairne Realm
    Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
    Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
    Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


      Originally posted by antacus View Post
      • Step 51: the last step ... as a cloth wearer you need help
      Refresh my memory (since Im at work again) what this quest is?
      What do you have to do/kill to complete this?
      I ask cause I just went through this on my lock and dont recall needing others to help out. Not a slam on your playstyle... just memory recall that I did everything solo.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        Forget the quest name, and not logged in anymore to look it up, but it is the very last quest ... steps 50/51. As a lock you prolly have minions to help you tank the thing. It is a huge level 77 elite with 137k hp and hits rather hard. I hit for 8k to 15k per AB and 4-6k per ABAM spam (that's 20k-30k) giving me a rotation of around 50k+/- depending on crits so plenty of damage but 2 hits from the mob and I was at 50% health.

        I asked a friend pally and the thing never got him below 90% health throughout the entire fight ... which was only maybe 30 seconds with me able to blast away w/o being beat on.
        Cairne Realm
        Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
        Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
        Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter

