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Dailies Speed Gold Run (with ATG Dailies)

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    Dailies Speed Gold Run (with ATG Dailies)

    get to step 9 and there's nothing on High Crusader Adelard I've got Champion of the Alliance title
    level 85 - Rogue Combat Nelf, DK Blood Squid face,Hunter MM Nelf
    Currently working the follow for profs and gold, raid team backup, Hunter lvl 64 BM Worgen, Shamen lvl 54 resto Dwarf, Druid lvl 74 Feral Nelf.

    It may not be in the game anymore. Zygor hasn't updated the dailies and events guide yet.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      hasn't worked for a few weeks i'll try from home later and look up wowhead etc
      level 85 - Rogue Combat Nelf, DK Blood Squid face,Hunter MM Nelf
      Currently working the follow for profs and gold, raid team backup, Hunter lvl 64 BM Worgen, Shamen lvl 54 resto Dwarf, Druid lvl 74 Feral Nelf.

