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Issues with Tol Barad Dailies

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    Issues with Tol Barad Dailies

    The arrow indicating where to complete a daily usually work, but for step 17. in the Baradin Hold Dailies it stops working and prints out some error messages:

    Zygor Guides Viewer: CreateMapMarker bailing out c=0 z=nil x=51.1 y=29.7
    Zygor Guide Viewer: Unable to create waypoint: 51.4, 49.5 51.1 29.7

    Another thing I don't like is the guide not detecting which dailies I picked up in Tol Barad. I imagine it is possible to check for which dailies I picked up, and it would improve time spend completing dailies.

    Thank you for letting us know about this error. The coords have been changed and will be released in the next update.
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      /nominate the Tol Barad Dailies as a candidate for the Speed Gold run.

      If your faction is in control of the PvP area, that's 12 quests that pay out about 18.5g per quest means 216 gold earned, plus the sale/use value of the Embersilk that drops, and sales of grey items and the odd green.

      Due to familiarity with the quests and current gearing, I'm able to complete the series in about 60-75 minutes or less.


        Originally posted by am88 View Post
        /nominate the Tol Barad Dailies as a candidate for the Speed Gold run.

        If your faction is in control of the PvP area, that's 12 quests that pay out about 18.5g per quest means 216 gold earned, plus the sale/use value of the Embersilk that drops, and sales of grey items and the odd green.

        Due to familiarity with the quests and current gearing, I'm able to complete the series in about 60-75 minutes or less.
        Problem is if you don't control it. You can't use that portion of the guide. I imagine Zygor will make it like the Gold Run form WOTLK. One with Tol Barad and one without Tol Barad.
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.

