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Doesn't look like Pilgrim's bounty is going to change.

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    Doesn't look like Pilgrim's bounty is going to change.

    From Wowinsider overachiever article:
    The Pilgrim's Bounty holiday was introduced to World of Warcraft just last year, so it's still fairly new. This year, the event will run from Sunday, November 21st through Saturday, November 27th. On my EST server, the start and end times on both dates will be 4:00 am, but you'll want to check the times on your own realm.

    Pilgrim's Bounty is not part of the yearlong meta What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been. That's not to say that the holiday's without its share of rewards, though; doing the Pilgrim meta will grant both the Pilgrim title and the plump turkey pet. However, the holiday has an unbeatable side benefit; it's the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to level cooking to 350. Pilgrim's Bounty is tailor-made for anyone who needs to level cooking on a bunch of alts, or anyone who never got around to doing it on his/her main.

    Pilgrim's Bounty hasn't appeared at any point on WoW's PTR or beta since last year, so we're assuming for the moment that the holiday hasn't changed from its 2009 incarnation beyond a few bug fixes (that and the developers are probably working at breakneck speed on Cataclysm still). I've updated and clarified our 2009 guide past the cut, and will also be around as the event goes live to ensure all the information here is accurate.

    "FOOD FIGHT!" (Alliance) and "FOOD FIGHT!" (Horde)

    This is a very simple achievement. Bountiful Tables are located in each capital's feasting area, and all of them are very large and easy to spot. Each chair at each table is actually a vehicle. Mouse over the chairs and you'll see them clearly labeled, e.g. "The Stuffing Chair" or "The Turkey Chair." Once you've taken a seat (for this achievement, it won't matter where), you'll find five options available:

    1. Passing a dish You can only pass a dish already located at that chair. If you're sitting in the sweet potatoes chair, you can pass sweet potatoes, and so on and so forth.
    2. Eating turkey If you're in the turkey chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
    3. Eating cranberries If you're in the cranberry chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
    4. Eating stuffing If you're in the stuffing chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
    5. Eating sweet potatoes If you're in the sweet potatoes chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
    6. Eating pie If you're in the pie chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.

    The only thing you need for this achievement is to have someone else sitting at the table. Sit wherever you like, target a fellow player at the table, and use the first option (to "pass" a dish) repeatedly. Rather than passing it, you'll eventually throw it at them and get your achievement.

    As with all holidays, Pilgrim's Bounty tends to be busiest in the first few days and more particularly at server high times, so I would advise doing this early.

    Sharing is Caring (Alliance) and Sharing is Caring (Horde)

    As with "FOOD FIGHT!", this is an achievement done while seated at a Bountiful Table. You'll need to visit all five chairs at a Table and select the first option (again, passing the dish) at each one. No other player is required to be at the table for you to get this. However, if the feast area is crowded and players aren't budging from their own chairs, you can get this achievement by visiting different chairs at different tables.

    Now We're Cookin' (Alliance) and Now We're Cookin' (Horde)

    This requires you to cook all five holiday recipes. You'll need to have at least 280 cooking skill to make all of them, but if you haven't leveled cooking, don't worry; Pilgrim's Bounty exists for just this reason.

    The recipes you'll need are all from a single book sold for one silver by Pilgrim's Bounty vendors (all of whom will be located in feast areas). The book is called the Bountiful Cookbook and requires only 1 Cooking in order to use. Right-click the book once it's in your inventory, and it'll give you all five recipes.

    The recipes you'll need to cook are:

    * Spice Bread Stuffing (requires one cooking skill): This one is the only recipe that uses an existing cooking item, but fortunately for us, it's the earliest one available -- one Spice Bread plus one Autumnal Herbs.
    * Pumpkin Pie (requires 100 cooking skill): one Ripe Elwynn Pumpkin (Alliance, purchased from the Stormwind vendor) or Ripe Tirisfal Pumpkin (Horde, purchased from the Undercity vendor), plus one Honey.
    * Cranberry Chutney (requires 160 cooking skill): one Tangy Wetland Cranberries (Alliance, purchased from the Ironforge vendor) or Tangy Southfury Cranberries (Horde, purchased from the Orgrimmar vendor), plus one Honey.
    * Candied Sweet Potato (requires 220 cooking skill): one Teldrassil Sweet Potato (Alliance, purchased from the Darnassus vendor) or Mulgore Sweet Potato (Horde, purchased from the Thunder Bluff vendor), plus one Honey and one Autumnal Herbs.
    * Slow-Roasted Turkey (requires 280 cooking skill): For this recipe, you'll need to make a trip to Elwynn Forest or Tirisfal Glades in order to get Wild Turkey, which is a 100% drop off the Wild Turkey mobs that spawn there for the duration of the holiday. One Wild Turkey per recipe, plus two Honey and one Autumnal Herbs.

    Pilgrim's Bounty vendors sell the Simple Flour, Refreshing Spring Water, Mild Spices, Honey, and Autumnal Herbs you'll need for all five recipes, so you won't need to make any special trips for ingredients beyond turkeys. You don't even need to train cooking elsewhere; there'll be a cooking trainer in the feast areas too! Vendors in Stormwind/Undercity, Orgrimmar/Ironforge, and Darnassus/Thunder Bluff will also sell you the pumpkins, cranberries, and sweet potatoes (respectively) you'll need, so until you reach 280 cooking skill you won't even need to set foot outside your faction's major cities. If you want to make things especially convenient for yourself, make sure you cook at least 20 of each recipe so you can turn them into holiday NPCs for Pilgrim's Progress.

    Once you get to the Slow-Roasted Turkey recipe, you'll need to make a hunting trip to Elwynn Forest or Tirisfal Glades. For the length of the holiday, low-level Wild Turkey mobs with two HP spawn all over these zones, and their meat is a 100 percent drop. As long as you're out stocking up on them for cooking purposes, you might as well do --

    The Turkinator (Alliance) and The Turkinator (Horde)

    Each time you kill a Wild Turkey mob, you'll get a 30-second stacking buff named Turkey Tracker. The object of this achievement is to kill 40 turkeys without letting the buff drop. As such, every time you kill a turkey, you'll have 30 seconds from each kill to find and slaughter another one. Do this successfully 40 times and you'll get Turkinator.

    This achievement attracted no small number of complaints last year, mostly due to uneven mob spawns and griefing by other players (druids abusing Travel Form and Moonfire were a particular sore point). While this year's holiday will probably be less hectic as many players already have the Pilgrim meta on their mains, you're still better off abandoning attempts at The Turkinator for a day or two if your server's very busy. While there are a lot of turkeys available in both zones and they respawn quickly, it can still be difficult to get a perfect 40-mob killing spree if you have serious competition for the spawns. I'll put it this way; finding and killing as many turkeys as you want at any point during this holiday is not difficult. It's finding and killing 40 of them within 30 seconds of each other with competition nearby that can get hairy.

    I was able to manage this by circling Brightwater Lake in Tirisfal once, but even if you don't work with a set path, you can make it easier by making a /tar Wild Turkey macro and just spamming it. Nearby turkeys will light up, so head for the nearest kill, spam the macro again, and keep at it.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.

    Pilgrim's Progress (Alliance) and Pilgrim's Progress (Horde)
    The holiday's five daily quests are all offered by Pilgrim's Bounty NPCs located in major cities (Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus for Alliance: Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar, and Undercity for Horde). All five can be completed in one day, so if you don't have a lot of time over the week that Pilgrim's Bounty is running, just budget about half an hour on a good day, and you're all set.

    For Alliance, the quest links are as follows:

    1. Can't Get Enough Turkey Bring 20 Slow-Roasted Turkeys to Caitrin Ironkettle outside Ironforge.
    2. Don't Forget the Stuffing! Bring 20 Spice Bread Stuffing to Caitrin Ironkettle outside Ironforge.
    3. Easy As Pie Bring 20 pieces of Pumpkin Pie to Mary Allerton outside the gates of Darnassus.
    4. She Says Potato Bring 20 Candied Sweet Potatoes to Jasper Moore outside Stormwind.
    5. We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again? Bring 20 servings of Cranberry Chutney to Ellen Moore outside Stormwind.

    For Horde, the quest links are as follows:

    1. Can't Get Enough Turkey Bring 20 Slow-Roasted Turkeys to Ondani Greatmill outside Orgrimmar.
    2. Don't Forget the Stuffing! Bring 20 Spice Bread Stuffing to Ondani Greatmill outside Orgrimmar.
    3. Easy As Pie Bring 20 pieces of Pumpkin Pie to Mahara Goldwheat outside Thunder Bluff.
    4. She Says Potato Bring 20 Candied Sweet Potatoes to William Mullins in Undercity's courtyard.
    5. We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again? Bring 20 servings of Cranberry Chutney to Roberta Carter in Undercity's courtyard.

    Pilgrim's Paunch (Alliance) and Pilgrim's Paunch (Horde)

    The Spirit of Sharing buff is gained when you eat all five dishes available at a Bountiful Table: turkey, cranberries, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and pie. For this achievement, you'll have to run to each of your faction's cities, park yourself at each of the five chairs around a Bountiful Table (or ask other people at the chairs to pass you dishes so you can eat them), and gorge your way to the Spirit of Sharing buff. Once you've done this in all four major cities, you'll get the achievement.

    The Spirit of Sharing buff is a 10% bonus to all reputation gains for an hour. If you're working on something like 40 Exalted Reputations, the Burning Crusade tabard grind (as we've previously discussed), or desperately accruing Zandalar or Shen'dralar rep before patch 4.0.3a hits, it's nothing to sneeze at.

    Pilgrim's Peril (Alliance) and Pilgrim's Peril (Horde)

    Blizzard has a peculiar mania for sending players to their deaths in foreign cities. Anyway, Pilgrim's Peril requires you to sit at hostile Bountiful Tables while wearing at least one piece of Pilgrim attire. As all those of us who have done achievements like King of the Fire Festival are painfully aware, this rarely ends well, but sitting is at least quick. On PvE servers you won't get flagged in all of the enemy cities due to feast area placement.

    The locations of each capital's feast area are as follows:

    * Stormwind Southeast of the main gates (east of the path into the city). Horde players will not get flagged here on PvE servers.
    * Ironforge Directly outside the main gates. Horde players will not get flagged here on PvE servers.
    * Darnassus Directly east of the main city (in the courtyard between the main gates and the Warrior's Terrace). All players will have to run the length of the city in order to reach the feast area, and Horde players will almost certainly be harassed by guards every step of the way. This is by far the most inconvenient (and for Horde, dangerous) of all eight feast areas to reach. Don't go at server high time.
    * The Exodar Directly outside the main city entrance (i.e. eastern side of the main building).
    * Orgrimmar Southeast of the main gates (just south of the path to the Undercity/Grom'Gol zeppelin tower). Alliance players will not flagged here on PvE servers.
    * Undercity In the Ruins of Lordaeron courtyard immediately inside the main entrance to the city. Despite not being located far into the complex, this is the nastiest area for Alliance to reach, as there's steady Horde traffic from both the zeppelins and Silvermoon teleport, and the entrance to the Ruins is an unfortunate choke point. Don't go at server high time.
    * Thunder Bluff Directly below the western elevators. Despite appearing to be outside of the city, the feast area is still within it and will get Alliance players flagged.
    * Silvermoon City South of the city's main gates. Alliance players will not get flagged here on PvE servers.

    Pilgrim attire is a reward from any of the cooking dailies given by NPCs in the feast areas, and it's extremely easy to get. You should have no difficulty collecting as many pieces as you want. Put on a dress, robe, or attire, and hie thee to your enemies' feast areas.

    As with all achievements requiring you to enter an enemy city:

    1. Try to go during your server's off-hours if possible.
    2. Try not to go alone.
    3. Plan your route in advance and know which cities you'll hit in which order.
    4. Budget time in the quite-likely event that some jackass camping the tables decides to make your life miserable.

    Terokkar Turkey Time (Alliance) and Terokkar Turkey Time (Horde)

    Talon King Ikiss is the last boss of Sethekk Halls, a Burning Crusade dungeon located in the Auchindoun complex of Terokkar Forest. Fortunately, the achievement doesn't care if you defeat Ikiss on normal or heroic, so if you don't have the requisite Honored reputation with Lower CIty to purchase the Auchenai Key to unlock the heroic version, that doesn't matter. Pick up some Pilgrim attire from the daily quests, head to Sethekk Halls, and you're in business.

    As long as you're there, you might as well have a crack at Anzu if you're doing the heroic version and want a shot at the Reins of the Raven Lord. Yes, you can fight him now even if you're not a druid!

    Turkey Lurkey (Alliance) and Turkey Lurkey (Horde)

    This and The Turkinator were the two big irritants last year. We've already discussed why The Turkinator can make life difficult, but unless your server is home to an unusually high number of orc, dwarf, gnome, and troll rogues, then this achievement can give you some grief too.

    Turkey Shooters, like Pilgrim clothing, are potential rewards from the holiday's daily quests. Getting a Shooter is very easy, but finding one rogue of each race might keep you occupied for a bit. Once you've finished off your own faction, your best bet is to sit outside the other faction's district in Dalaran praying for a few rogues to show up. However, if last year is any indication, enterprising players will roll rogues from the less-played races, beg a summon from a friendly warlock in Dalaran, and park themselves in a high-traffic area to grant achievements to a grateful public. On my server, several level one rogues with names like Shootmepls and Turkeytime were lined up on Dalaran bank steps.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      The Pilgrims Peril part has change because of the Shattering. You will get flagged and killed at Ironforge by the new guards. Also, it is no longer easy to get to the NE area.

      The tables at Ironforge are the worst. With 4 guards around the tables and one that has a shot at all three. It took me over an hor before I completed it. Theonly reason I did was that someone distracted the guards just long enough for me to rez and sit at the table.

