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Wheres the Speed Gold Run Guide?

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    Wheres the Speed Gold Run Guide?

    I remember in WoTLK there was one just upgraded the guide and got to 85 thinking it would be just like that but there doesn't appear to be just a BEST gold per hour guide... or is there?

    Not for Cata content. But the WOTLK is still there and can still make the same amount of money.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      Ahh ok, don't mean to sound like a dick here but I am gonna say it and hopefully it isn't TAKEN that way haha.

      Cata has been out for a while... why hasn't it been added? I am sure the cata content makes A LOT more money right?

      Also a question, which guides do you all use if you wanna make some money?


        Originally posted by dangazzm View Post
        which guides do you all use if you wanna make some money?
        I use an extremely rare guide, called common sense

        The CIA deliberately spread misinformation that tin-foil hats prevent mind control.
        The horrible truth is, that tinfoil hats enable mind control.

        Si vis pacem, para bellum


          Hah yea I know I know I COULD figure it out... but what I am trying to figure out atm is wtf I paid 15 bucks for to upgrade to Cata. I see the rep dailies THATS COOL enough don't get me wrong but... yea after the rep I would like to turn on a pew pew make me mo' money guide. Yea know like how brainless the leveling is.


            There is no way to do 25 dailies in Cata content yet that is fast and easy. Your faction would have to control Tol Barad all the time and that is just not possible at the moment. What I use to make money is to level my professions using this link: http://www.google.com/m/url?client=s...hJ_N0DgeCY9yzg
            When I reach max or close to max level I start making items to sell on the AH. Like right now my 85 paladin is a tailor that makes embersilk bags that go for 240-270g on my server. Also Zygor is working on a profession guide themselves that should be coming soon.

            What dailies I run everyday for money is all the firelands dailies I can and then do all of the tol barad dailies usually after that I have 6 dailies I think left. Then come the fishing daily and pretty soon when the thanksgiving holiday event happens in game I will level cooking and do that daily. But until the I finish of dailies by trying to finish of argent tournament dailies.
            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
            Twitter @Chaos5061.
            Translations are done with Google Translate.


              Really there aren't that many cata dailies? I am disappointed in Blizzard for that then lol. I appreciate the info, I am a tailor/chanter but damn if it doesn't take all my money to level it up and never in the past due to my poor server has it ever paid off.


                Now this is just what I think but I think that Eventuraly most of the newer zones will have a Daliy hub or similar. Now before they added new dallies in Hajai there are a bunch in Deepholm, a couple as in two in Udeolom and a I think I heard three maybe six in Twlight Highlands. Then you have TB which I believe has I am not sure but I think outside of TB Deepholm had the most other then TB that is.

                My guess and thought is that, they may add or will add depending on how you look at it, dallies in Vash ja, ( I do not forsee them adding anymore too Deepholm but I could be wrong) maybe some more in Uldeem, I have not done all the quest in Twlight Highlands to guess to be honest.


                  There are 12 quests in Tol Barad (6 of them only if your faction is in control).
                  Up to 7 dailies in Deepholm (depending on your Therazane reputation, I think in the beginning you can do 5).
                  2 in Uldum.
                  5 in Twilight Highlands.
                  Then there are the new dailies in Firelands, don't know how many you can do in each phase.

                  Maybe Vashj'ir gets some content in the future, I think they first wanted to include a new raid there with the 4.2 patch but thought it would not fit.

                  Then you have the professions dailies and that's all for now.
                  As long as you get the same amount of gold from the WotLK gold run I would do this.
                  I noticed that at least the Dalaran jewelcrafting quest always has the same level as your character, I leveled on char from 80 to 82 by just doing this one quest for some months and in the end it was a level 82 quest. That may be the cause for getting the full amount of money even when you are above level 80.


                    Don't know about each phase of Firelands dailies but Blizzard has stated that after unlocking it all you will be only able to do 17 Fireland dailies each day.
                    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                    Twitter @Chaos5061.
                    Translations are done with Google Translate.


                      I make loads of gold on my crusader toon just by doing the AT dailies - this has also got me all the 1-80 heirlooms available and nearly all the mounts, etc. It also got my crusader toon (slowly) from 80 to 85, but that was not intentional


                        Do the AT Dailies

                        Originally posted by mzanker View Post
                        I make loads of gold on my crusader toon just by doing the AT dailies - this has also got me all the 1-80 heirlooms available and nearly all the mounts, etc. It also got my crusader toon (slowly) from 80 to 85, but that was not intentional

                        Absolutely. The AT dailies are still a very quick, fast way to make gold. They are the first thing I do when I come online. Done within 15 minutes easy. Easy easy gold.


                          Dumb question

                          Originally posted by trevo66 View Post
                          Absolutely. The AT dailies are still a very quick, fast way to make gold. They are the first thing I do when I come online. Done within 15 minutes easy. Easy easy gold.
                          What is AT?


                            The Argent Tournament - lots of jousting, at least until you get the Crusader title

