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    Originally posted by tiberion View Post
    Ok I just logged onto one of my other characters and it seems to be working correctly. when i log back onto my main it is still giving me errors.
    Normally when it's good on one toon and not good on another toon there's a problem with the SavedVariables file. That would normally be fixed by the wipe/reset. What race/level/class/spec is the toon you're seeing the problem on? Maybe one of those is playing a part in it.
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      i can confirm the pet issue, i had 3 x doom bloom in my pet list, then caged 1 and learned the other. when i manually listed the caged pet( by auction tab) and got it out of my bags all the others itmes came in the sell tab. tried on 2 dif toons that are 2 differenr class and races. problem is the pets in the bags.!


        This should be fixed in our next update going out today.
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          I'll have to remember this one, as I usually sell pets....so Ill be sure to keep in mind the errors for now
          I make videos on youtube! Check em out, gaming videos mostly, and got my video testimonials for zygor stuff there!


            I had same issue with no items showing in left side window. I did all you recommended, still wouldn't fix. Woke this morning to Z client not wanting to open, so I once again hit up our forums & found one stating to check java. I went and updated java. It worked Now I can list items. Make sure you get java from other than google chrome for it didn't work till i used explorer.

