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Current Prices unknown.. Please scan the Auction House

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    Current Prices unknown.. Please scan the Auction House

    Hello there. i am very new with zygor addons. i installed the zygor app, added my Server and synced all data. now the Gold guide Shows :" Current Price unknown. Please scan the Auction House to collect data." .. i click on "search" in AH Tab and there stands now for 30+ minutes : "SCANNING : Analyzing auctions data".

    "No profitable auctions found" in Auctions Tab..

    Fresh installed addon and Desktop app

    cleared 2times the addon Folder and the wtf files.

    read the thread with "scan intensy" etc, nothing worked.

    The Desktopapp works like TSM, so i dont have to make Long ingame Scans, right ?

    ty white

    You want to use the Scan button that is on the Sell tab. If it tries to do a scan automatically when you open the AH window and it gets hung up you can disable that option in the Inventory Management section of the guide viewer settings and then when you do a manual scan from the Sell tab it should work better.
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