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Howling Fjord Loremaster

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    Howling Fjord Loremaster

    Good afternoon.
    I followed the Loremaster Guide in the Howling Fjord. I did all the quests in the guide and in the end I'm at 128/130 quests done for the achievement.
    Do you have suggestions to solve my problem ?

    Not sure why it's come up short for you. A quick thing would be to grab Quest Completist and check to see what quests are in the zone that you might still be able to do.

    One other possibility is that you might want to start the guides for any surrounding zones. Sometimes one or two of the beginning quests for a zone will count toward a previous zone, things like the little breadcrumb quests that lead to the new zone.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thanks to you I've found a nice addon and I earned the achievement with the quests I haven't done.
      But it's still strange... I made all the quests in the Loremaster Guide and I had 2 quests left for the Hwoling Fjord achievement...
      However, the problem has been solved !

