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Ignore Main

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    Ignore Main

    I use Zygor on an alt, but I have a maxed-out main that I use for specific dailies. Every time I select a quest, Zygor posts into my message box:

    Finding proper starter location.
    Cannot find a proper section for you. What are you?

    This happens every time I accept a quest, turn in a quest, complete a quest, complete a quest objective; it's getting irritating. I can find no way to turn Zygor off for my main, yet keep it installed for my alt in the interface menu. How do I stop the insanity!?

    That message normally pops up when you don't have the purchased guides installed for that area. So in this case it would be that the trial guides for the dailies is installed and can't figure out what to do.

    To disable the guides for one character only do the following.

    1. Click the Addons button in the lower left of the character selection screen.
    2. Select the toon from the drop down list at the top left of the addons listing.
    3. Scroll down to the Zygor Guides Viewer entry and and un-check the box.
    4. Select all from the drop down list at the top left and make sure the check mark shows as silver indicating the guide viewer is enabled for only some of the toons.

    If you have no check mark you might need to check it yellow then repeat the steps to get it to the silver aspect when all is selected.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Perfect. Thank you very much!

