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Storm Peaks 78-80 step missing

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    Storm Peaks 78-80 step missing

    I can't tell you which step number this is anymore-since the 4.0 update the quest name and step number is no longer displayed in viewer.
    However-the quest is "opening the Backdoor". After collected power cell there is no step to find transporter. It just says activate when you need to go east to transporter to do it.

    Between the previous and next step buttons there is the step number. If you have the guide controls collapsed just rightclick the guide viewer to bring them back.
    Step 28 is the collect step at 45,82 and 29 is the step to go to the teleporter at 50,81 and activate it.
    The only thing about this quest that makes me wonder is that the collect step shows "collect Garm teleporter activated" (translated from German...).
    It's possible that Blizzard messed around with the quest goals or maybe this is just because I have completed the whole quest. I don't have a character that did not quest in Storm Peaks to look into this.
    And as you most likely also completed the quest now a bug report won't help.
    If you stumble across something like this in the future please create a bug report (open the Zygor guide options, click the Zygor guide section and select "report buggy step").

