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Mistakes in the guide that need to be corrected

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    Mistakes in the guide that need to be corrected

    As Im going through the guide, I will post mistakes and errors here. Currently working my way through Jade Forest.


    Step: 153
    Zone: Jadefire
    Quest Giver: Bolo
    Name of quest to Accept: His name was...Stormstout

    Exclamation mark is grey - CONFIRMED - You need to be level 86 to pick this quest up, I hit 86 completing step 210 so this step should be moved further into the guide.

    Was at 70% into level 85 at this stage of the guide


    Step 166 SHOULD be to pick up this flight point, I dont know if I will pick it up later since this is currently where I am at in the guide. If you DO pick it up later, I will note what step that is so that it can be switched.

    NPC: Supplier Towsa
    50.8 26.8 Jade Forest

    NOTE: That you will use this exact flight master in step 236.


    For completing 'The Spirits' Plight' (Quest ID 29745)

    Step 169

    This should be a TWO step part, currently it is incorrect.

    What it says is 'Source of the Simulacra Found (0/10)'

    What it SHOULD be is to run to the coordinates that Zygor currently provides to 'Determine the source of the Simulacra'.

    The second part is to kill 10 Stonebound Destroyers.

    The guide window should state something like:

    Run here to determine the Source of the Simulacra
    Source of the Simulacra found (0/1)
    Kill 10 Stonebound Destroyers
    Stonebound Destroyers (0/10)

    It should be noted that the NPC picture does NOT appear in the guide as it should. The coordinates provided are accurate, it just doesnt explain correctly BOTH steps of the quest.


    Step 218, the npc name has a bunch of gobbly gook after the name of what you are supposed to kill. The npc types that can be killed to complete this quest are Waxwood Hunters and Waxwood Matriarchs (0/6). Any combination seems to be fine, you just need to kill 6 total.


    Step 237

    You miss turning in the quest 'An Air of Worry' (instructions to turn this quest in are missing) which must be handed in to this NPC to pick up 'Defiance'.
    Last edited by littlewierdo; September 26, 2012, 08:04 AM.
    Race and Class: Dwarven Priest Character Name: Jacq US server: Cenarion Circle
    Primary Spec: Shadow Secondary Spec: Discipline

    1. Should be fixed in an update later today.

    2. You pick the flight path up on step 227.
    Zygor Guides Creative Director


      One last one, more of a missed quest opportunity than anything.

      On the very last step of the Jade Forest guide, there is a simple quest you can pick up from Fei who is standing right next to Lorewalker Cho (the same npc you hand the final quest in the Jade Forest guide to).

      The name of the quest is Moving On (Quest ID 30468). Upon picking this quest up, you are given the opportunity to again talk to Fei and she gives you the option to have her send you to Valley of the Four Winds. This beats running there plus its an easy quest!!

      During the ride there, more story is revealed (I wont spoil anything here) and when you land, you are 75 yards away from Step 1 in the next guide.

      You hand in 'Moving On' once you land via the quest completion 'popup' that appears in the upper right corner.
      Last edited by littlewierdo; September 26, 2012, 04:08 PM.
      Race and Class: Dwarven Priest Character Name: Jacq US server: Cenarion Circle
      Primary Spec: Shadow Secondary Spec: Discipline


        The last two steps in Jade Forest are actually inside the guide file but are commented so they don't get shown. The Zygor team just need to take out the comment characters.


          Alrighty, here we go with the next area, Valley of the Four Winds.


          Step 17, a bunch of gobblygook after the item name 'watermelon'
          Race and Class: Dwarven Priest Character Name: Jacq US server: Cenarion Circle
          Primary Spec: Shadow Secondary Spec: Discipline

