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Aggressive setting needed

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    Aggressive setting needed

    I've been using the Leveling guides for years, and I've been very happy with them. recently I started leveling a balance druid from level 1, but loaded with 8 Int heirlooms.

    Often I've noticed that once I've been in an area for a while the quests are green But I'm not being told to move on to another area. I recently moved into Swamp Of Sorrows and just skipped Bogpaddle entirely - it was not needed. Later quests were yellow and I just started with them.

    Back when I was a noob I used to get orange quests all the time, and was usually able to complete them even without heirlooms.

    Would it be possible to add an "Aggressive" setting that:
    * Takes you to the next Orange quest? I understand that sometimes I'll need to cover a few early quests in a chain.
    * When entering a new area, takes you immediately to the first Orange quest that makes sense to tackle? Or perhaps the last yellow?

    I'm having to closely watch my level to see when to move on to another area, and just realised today that even if I move on to another area I probably don't want to start at the new area's starting point...


    <More info>
    I did some research and found (as the Zygor folks probably already know!) that Blizzard has retuned the quests effective with Cataclysm, and its actually fairly hard to pick up an orange quest that doesn't have prerequisite quests. So I think I might to asking for the impossible in asking for orange quests.

    I'll leave in my request to take me to the last available yellow when entering a new area. I'm just entering Winterspring and once again I'm skipping the initial quests and going straight to Everlook. It seems it could be simpler...

    Last edited by bvanpelt; October 28, 2012, 02:32 PM. Reason: More info

    The red/orange/yellow/green/grey is, as you probably know, indicative of your level versus the recommended level of the quest. Our stats are not taken into consideration in that color scale. (Same for mobs we're fighting...it's strictly your level.)

    I've been leveling a Pandaren hunter and have noticed a lot of green quests. I've been grinding it out through a ton of green quests and I'm switching to the next guide when ZygorGuides recommends it based on my level. I can't help but wish that as soon as I'd notice a green, I had a nice and easy, "Next guide, please" button. :-)

    I believe the 11-60 levels need to be re-tuned. I think Blizzard made some changes to levels to make them easier and ZygorGuides doesn't take those into account.

    Outland felt horrendously long, but I think that is also Blizzards fault. Now that I'm in Northrend, things feel positively peppy again.


      Flag Optional Quests

      If you can mark quests that have less then 2 follow-up quests and are not Prerequisites to much later quest then people that level faster than the guides will know which quests can be skipped without causing problems later

      I recently started using Dugi Guides because they do mark the quests that are not prerequisites and have 3 difficulty settings... Easy you do every quest in a zone, normal you skip several optional side quests, and aggressive you skip every quest that is not absolutely necessary in order to progress in the zone.
      Last edited by cableman; July 6, 2013, 09:50 PM.


        The problem with that is now most questing is very linear and dependent on previous quests. If you try to skip stuff before you know it you hit a road-block and don't have any quests available in the area. Our method of just monitoring the XP and letting you know when it's safe to move to the next questing hub is the safest method to avoid this possibility.
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