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Leveling Guide-Alliance-Where is the waypoint arrow towards quests?

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    Leveling Guide-Alliance-Where is the waypoint arrow towards quests?

    This is happening way to frequently. After accepting quests that the Zygor Leveling Guide suggests, usually, the 1st step to begin that quest is to go "somewhere." But, lately, the guide does not display the waypoint arrow to where to start the quest (for many of the quests I've done lately). The description gives x/y coordinates, but there's no way to see x/y coord's on my screen! That leaves much to be desired in order to level quickly/efficiently.

    Why is there no waypoint arrow shown immediately upon accepting a suggested quest?

    [see image of just one of many quests where this is happening]. NOTE: The image shows only the quest. It doesn't show my entire screen where there is no waypoint arrow at all.
    where is the arrow.jpg

    For that step that you have showing there is no waypoint arrow because you don't move. You accept the quest from the NPC and then you stand right there and use the quest item. Since you don't have to move there's no go to line and no arrow.

    For the steps that do have a go to line in them if the arrow is not showing up then go into the guide options and make sure the Travel System is turned on. We currently have a bug in the arrow that we're looking into that will cause the arrow to not show if the Travel System is turned off.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thanks, but the least the guide could have added was a simple statement to the effect of "do it where you are standing", or something like that. At least users wouldn't be wondering where to go to next, since that's how the guide works normally. It's just too vague, and it happens too often.

      It would also be wonderful if the required item in our bags would be "highlighted" some how to find it easily. This same suggestion would also be appropriate for the Gear Guide. If it highlighted the items in our bags that it wanted to swap, it would make life much simpler. Unlike most players, I probably have many items in my bags, so hunting for the items (in question) is rather difficult without them being 'focused'.

      How, after all this time, does the guide still have problems with the arrow and the Travel System? Shouldn't that have been fixed a very long time ago, since it's crucial to the entire Leveling Guide's performance?

      Thanks Cabby for replying. At least, you didn't suggest the 'canned reply' of deleting the WTF and everything else that causes mass confusion and reconfigurations, due to programming oversights.


        You don't have to search your bags to use the item. Just click on that little icon of the item on the guide viewer and it will use it automatically for you without the need to open the bag at all.

        For the gear suggestions, just hover the mouse over the item name in the pop up window to see the tool tip for the item. If you click on Accept then the new item will automatically be equipped for you eliminating the need to open the bag. If you click Decline then you can just sell it off to the vendor if you don't want it. If you do not get a pop up to equip a quest reward then it means it was selected for it's vendor sell value and you would just sell it off.

        For the arrow, this is a new bug that was accidentally introduced when we were fixing a different problem with the arrow. Stuff like this happens all the time with software and we're working on getting the new bug fixed.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Thanks again Cabby!

          I have a couple of suggestions, if you don't mind.

          1. Waypoint arrow: Would it be possible to incorporate the display of x/y coordinates underneath the arrow, using very small typeface (and, have them 'linked' together so that whenever a user relocates the arrow -- the coordinates move with it)?

          2. Waypoint arrow text: Right now, once users arrive at a quest location (having been guided there by the arrow/Travel System), the arrow disappears! What's confusing to me is that the Zygor Quest steps have a line of text that's usually at the top that says "Go to location x/y". If I accept a quest while standing at the questgiver, and the next step of that quest is located precisely where I'm standing, there's no indication that I'm already at the necessary x/y coord's. There is nothing on my display that provides x/y coord's, so having them visible via the arrow would be a useful addition.

          So, instead of hiding the arrow upon arrival somewhere, how about having the arrow remain on the screen and include a simple comment like "You have arrived at x/y" ? Then, it's easy to see that both of those x/y coord's match (the arrow and the Quest Guide text).


            The arrow disappearing is actually a bug that we're trying to solve. The arrow should remain visible and show a pulsating ring to indicate you're where you need to be. Once we have that fixed then your #2 will be solved.

            For the coordinate suggestion, I'm thinking that if we do add that it probably won't be for a while because we have to get these bugs worked out of the existing arrow before trying to add to it.
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

