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kill the plump virmen first

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    kill the plump virmen first

    and don't do as i did: i did my best to avoid them to get the carrots, turnips and whatever just to find out that the third quest in the guide wanted me to kill 10.

    This order is most likely intended. In the past sometimes such steps were reversed and after killing everything you found out that you need to go elswhere and had to kill those mobs again.

    However sometimes I'd prefer more "while doing this" non goal additions.


      i should have seen it just by clicking on a virmen, but i hate those buggers and thought only of going through the quest as fast as possible. pathetic really.
      Last edited by hachem; March 24, 2013, 05:00 PM.


        It shouldn't be a big problem to kill the missing virmen after doing the other quests stuff.
        At least you can then fight from a safer location where you can avoid pulling more mobs than you want to.


          its not a problem anymore. i have learned my lesson: i dont go to pandaria before gearing up at the ah. even cata dungeon gear is not enough. it was by the way the same thing with cata. the jump in difficulty was big, and if you had only quest gear you got minced.


            It depends on the class you play.
            Every second addon the mage is a pain to level. It was diffcult in WotLK, easy in Cata and now in Pandaria again difficult.
            The easiest characters to play are plate classes. Especially Retribution Paladin is a lot of fun, my Paladin did more damage at level 85 with the 372 gear than my Moonkin at level 90 with itemlevel 435.
            Caster classes in general seem to need better gear to make comparable damage.

            When starting in Padaria always remember to visit the adventuring supplies vendor in Pearlfin Village:
            There you can get some nice gear to start with.

            And if you have a level 90 character you can try to find one of the account bound weapons, itemlevel 404 and 463 for items usable at level 85 is pretty nice:
            There are even more usable at level 86:


              nice tips. thanks.

