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Question - Ref: Abandoned Bloodwash Crate quest

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    Question - Ref: Abandoned Bloodwash Crate quest

    I think I've observed something new that Blizzard may have done, but I'm not quite sure. I don't remember this same quest behaving this way in the past.

    Blasted Lands, Step 54 (58-60) "Help the Rockpool tadpoles." -- (hauling the Abandoned Bloodwash Crate).

    While doing the quest, each time I had to drop the crate so I could fight enemies, the crate would disappear from where I set it down and it would spawn in some far-away location (usually nestled in a hidden crag between mountains). It never stayed where I let go of it, so that forced me to go find it, and start dragging it all over again to where I had already moved it! Zygor's waypoint arrow never pointed to the cart; it pointed only to the quest destination. I'm sure that is normal for the WP arrow.

    I'm just wondering if anybody has noticed this issue and whether or not Blizzard changed it from how I remember it working before? Maybe I've remembered incorrectly?

    You do not remember wrong kreelor. It should not be despawning and you having to go search for it again. There might be a Blizzard bug with this quest, I see some comments on WoWHead where people are having troubles getting the quest. Don't see any comments or remember anyone having the same problem you describe.
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      Heh heh. Maybe you found no comments from them about my issue because they can't get the quest to start! LOL

      Maybe later on, after they DO get the quest, comments might become available? Oh, well.

      Thanks for replying.


        I also remember this quest working properly in the past. But I can't remember when it was when I last did the quest, may have been even before Pandaria...

